This week on Discovering Truth with Dan Duval you are in for a real treat! You will get to meet Dan’s old pastor, from when he was in elementary school! Ken Roberts became the

Daniel Duval
Daniel Duval is the Executive Director of BRIDE Ministries and is also the Senior Pastor of the BRIDE Ministries Church. He is the author of eight books, including two #1 Amazon bestsellers about prayer. He is the host of the Discovering Truth with Dan Duval podcast, the creator of the BRIDE Ministries Institute, and the creator of the BRIDE Ministries School of Inner Healing and Deliverance. As an advocate for survivors of extreme trauma, it is his vision to build a world-class platform that caters to survivors of satanic ritual abuse and government sponsored mind control agendas, which includes free resources, a church, support groups, trained coaches, housing solutions, and more.
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Visit us at! This week’s podcast comes with a TRIGGER WARNING. Chaurisse is back and continuing her testimony of surviving programming through the Freemasonry lodge. This week she will go into near-death experiences
Visit us at! This week on Discovering Truth with Dan Duval you will be able to enjoy the final sermon of the BRIDE Ministries Fall Advance of 2019. In this epic sermon, Dan
Visit us at! Alex is back on Discovering Truth with Dan Duval for a third round. In his first two appearances, Alex disclosed his testimony and how he got saved after
Visit us at! The official story is that Jeffrey Epstein was taken off of suicide watch at the prison he was being held at. Then, he successfully commits suicide. Around the world everyone
Visit us at! Dan Duval interviews Jane for the first time on the subject of the structure of the Illuminati. Jane claims that she was chosen and trained to take over for her
Visit us at! This week on Discovering Truth, Dan Duval is joined by his wife Christian to discuss her journey over the past couple years since they have been married. Christian carries a
Visit us at! This week on Discovering Truth you will hear Dan get interviewed by the hosts of Kingdom Talks. In this interview, Dan Duval gets into territorial spirits and how renouncing them
Visit us at! Todd Weatherly is back on Discovering Truth with Dan Duval to release a recent revelation that has been securing breakthrough for many people. This program will unveil the operations and
Visit us at! This week on Discovering Truth with Dan Duval, Hope is back to discuss her NASA programming. Hope is a survivor of Illuminati programming with an incredible story, as she continues
Visit us at! This week on Discovering Truth, Jan is back for the telling of part 4 of her testimony. She is a survivor of SRA and government sponsored mind control and has
Visit us at! Dr. Ron Horner is back on Discovering Truth with Dan Duval to discuss how to engage with the courts of heaven for regional work. He is the author of 11
Visit us at! At BRIDE Ministries we are now hosting semi-annual conferences. This past spring, the BRIDE Tribe Advance, which was the name of our conference, was absolutely incredible. People experience breakthrough, deliverance,
Visit us at! Steve Harmon makes his way back on to Discovering Truth with Dan Duval to get into a deep dive with Dan Duval on a breadth of subjects. In this episode,
Visit us at! KC joins us for another reveal into the healing journey that she took as she went through ministry with Dan Duval. She picks up where she left off in the
Visit us at! Paul Tothill joins Dan Duval to discuss the recent elections for Prime Minister in Australia and the spiritual implications of what the world has just witnessed. Then he and Dan
Visit us at! This week on Discovering Truth with Dan Duval you will meet Richard Mull. Richard Mull renowned author, speaker and ministry leader, Richard Mull’s books and ministry have been featured on
Visit us at! Robert is back on Discovering Truth with Dan Duval. In this episode, he joins Dan to discuss what inner worlds are, and the incredible complexity of the inner world of
Visit us at! This week on Discovering Truth, Dan Duval brings on Dr. Gayle Rogers to discuss her book “The Whole Soul”. She is a mental health professional, integrating a clinical therapeutic approach
Visit us at! This week on Discovering Truth with Dan Duval, Alex returns to share the next installment of his story. He picks up immediately after he turned his life over to Jesus
Visit us at! This week on Discovering Truth, Dan Duval takes the driver’s seat and goes solo on the subject of shaking nations. In this intense monologue, Dan Duval breaks down why we
Visit us at! This week Dan Duval goes solo in order to introduce a new prayer that has been developed for the purpose of getting people delivered from evil timelines. This prayer employs
Visit us at! This week on Discovering Truth with Dan Duval you will hear from a new voice. Alex, a current client of Dan Duval, is coming forward to dialogue about his unique
Check us out at! Dr. Dave Orrison joins Dan Duval for a second round on the subject of narcissism. He has been a pastor for over 30 years and is now the Executive
Check us out at! This week on Discovering Truth, Jan is back for round 3. As a survivor of satanic ritual abuse and government sponsored mind control projects, she is stepping forward to
Visit us at! This week on Discovering Truth Dan Duval brings on Dr. Dave Orrison. He has been a pastor for over 30 years and is now the Executive Director of “Grace for
Visit us at! This week on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval, KC is back for the 10th installment of her testimony. KC worked with Dan Duval over a period of time to
Visit us at! Dr. Ron Horner is back on Discovering Truth with Dan Duval to continue talking about the Courts of Heaven. He is an expert on the subject, having penned ten separate
Visit us at! This week on Discovering Truth, prepare to meet a new personality. Her name is Jessica, and she is on a journey to overcome incredible bondage with the power of Jesus
Visit us at! Kay Tolman joins Dan Duval again for an incredible interview. In this podcast, the focus moves to her ministry and the many things she has learned along the way. As
Visit us at Dan Duval gears up for another solo run on Discovering the Truth. In this episode, Dan gets into what happens to be on his heart, and as usual goes overboard.
Visit us at! In 2018 Dan Duval was invited to speak in Louisiana by Only Believe Ministry. This ministry is overseen by Willie Richmond. The meeting was called The Mandate for your City
Visit us at Jan is back on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval. In this episode she continues where she left off, telling about her journey to healing. In this program she gets
Visit us at! This week on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval, Todd Edwards joins Dan to discuss aspects about the story of the birth of Jesus that are not widely understood. He
Visit us at! The Courts of Heaven Revelation is something that has been gaining awareness throughout the body of Christ. They are a believer’s source for justice among other things. But are the
Find us at! This week on Discovering the Truth, Dan Duval is joined by Sister Keri Burnor. She is a former Roman Catholic nun, who served faithfully in the church until she was
Find us at! This week on Discovering the Truth, Dan Duval is joined by Sister Keri Burnor. She is a former Roman Catholic nun, who served faithfully in the church until she was
Kay Tolman is the Founder and President of Restoration Gateway Ministries in Portland, Oregon. She has a Master of Christian Counseling degree and specializes in training ministers to effectively serve those in severe trauma
There has been a flurry of activity around a person or team that goes only by the name Q or Q+ for much of the 2018 year. Posting on anonymous chat boards, Q has
Todd Weatherly, Senior Leader of Field of Dreams in Adelaide, Australia, is back on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval. In this episode he joins Daniel to break down the difference between Kairos time

Daniel Duval
Daniel Duval is the Executive Director of BRIDE Ministries and is also the Senior Pastor of the BRIDE Ministries Church. He is the author of eight books, including two #1 Amazon bestsellers about prayer. He is the host of the Discovering Truth with Dan Duval podcast, the creator of the BRIDE Ministries Institute, and the creator of the BRIDE Ministries School of Inner Healing and Deliverance. As an advocate for survivors of extreme trauma, it is his vision to build a world-class platform that caters to survivors of satanic ritual abuse and government sponsored mind control agendas, which includes free resources, a church, support groups, trained coaches, housing solutions, and more.