Visit us at! The official story is that Jeffrey Epstein was taken off of suicide watch at the prison he was being held at. Then, he successfully commits suicide. Around the world everyone is asking the same question: Are you serious? This week Dan Duval has Hope, a survivor of various government mind control projects, child trafficking, and satanic ritual abuse, to talk about the issue. The fact of the matter is that Epstein’s exposure goes far deeper than child trafficking. His darkness extends into the world of government mind control, genetic manipulation, occult rituals, and more. As one who was abused by Epstein personally, Hope joins Dan Duval to walk through her testimony, and discuss the implications. Do not miss this episode!
Why They Say Epstein is Dead – What They Don’t Want You to Know featuring Hope
Prayer Audio:

Daniel Duval
Daniel Duval is the Executive Director of BRIDE Ministries and is also the Senior Pastor of the BRIDE Ministries Church. He is the author of eight books, including two #1 Amazon bestsellers about prayer. He is the host of the Discovering Truth with Dan Duval podcast, the creator of the BRIDE Ministries Institute, and the creator of the BRIDE Ministries School of Inner Healing and Deliverance. As an advocate for survivors of extreme trauma, it is his vision to build a world-class platform that caters to survivors of satanic ritual abuse and government sponsored mind control agendas, which includes free resources, a church, support groups, trained coaches, housing solutions, and more.
15 thoughts on “Why They Say Epstein is Dead – What They Don’t Want You to Know featuring Hope”
Just started listening to Hope so didn’t really get the beginning of her story. How was she able to escape he tormentors. Doesn’t sound possible that she would be able to get out especially with all the brainwashing.
Hi Dolores,
We encourage you to listen to our first podcast with Hope if you’d like to know more about the beginning of her story.
She also has a book that she wrote about her journey and it is available on the shop page of our website.
Lol…. the same way Daniel survived in the Lions Den… The Red Sea parted… Shadrach meshach and Abednego Survived in the fiery furnace… The God of yesterday is the same God of today… He delivers…
This is the first time I’ve ever seen a reply from someone I know. How are you, Scody?
What a testimony, thank God for “Hope”and Surviving this journey.
Thank you Daniel , for giving Hope an opportunity to share her testimony. Hope, continue offering encouragement and hope to others by sharing your story. Hope, thank you for sharing, and yes the story must be told!
I have only recently come across your programme Daniel, and have subscribed to some of your courses. What an incredible testimony! Thank you Hope for your tremendous courage and perseverance in all this. I believe you, it has confirmed what I have believed may be going on and I will pray for you and the countless babies and children and people locked into this evil web. May Father God continue to give you all you need to keep going from day to day, moment to moment.
Hi Karen,
We’re so glad to know that Hope’s testimony resonated with you! Thank you for your support!
Hi Dan,
I was forever changed after watching Hope’s video. This is what MSM will not publish. I sent this link to several “big” names on social media. They ignored me. They speak of truth, but run towards the easy route of keeping followers. Hope knows that I tried. I’m off social media now, as The Holy Ghost instructed me to quit it. But, I won’t quit praying for Hope, and your ministry. Listen to The prompting of The Holy Ghost.
Our God is a God of justice! And this is time for justice to be done in the courts of heaven and earth! These evil people are no longer going to hide and cover up the truth and get away with this stuff. Expose, expose, expose Lord God! Bring the hidden things into the light and let true freedom ring!
Thank you for helping to expose this evil to the public….I knew about Epstein and the Island but never imagined it was as horrible as what Hope went through….I have seen visions in dreams where children came and asked me to go somewhere with them so they could show me what was happening and it was terrifying. ………the public will have a hard time digesting what happened because it will shatter their illusion but we must keep at it until more and more people know the truth…..God bless you for giving her the platform .
Hi Tamyra,
Thank you! We’re so glad that Hope’s testimony resonated with you. 🙂
Thank you Daniel and Hope. My heart goes out to you Hope. May God richly bless you. I set myself in agreement with all your prayers. Praise God for getting you out! You will make an outstanding deliverance and inner healing minister for victims like yourself.
Yes our God is a God of justice, though in this world it is very rare we see His justice. Am loving this season where we see some, though His justifications come on Judgement Day.. sorry to sound sceptical, we need to understand how deep this rabbit hole goes in these times, I don’t have faith in our worldly systems, even a lot of our churches are run by freemasons (I’m not in America). Where a lot of our crown prosecutors are cover agents, our judges, people in authority in our governments, schools and yes even our churches. Jesus is the only answer, His blood is against all of these evil doers. Thankful to hear such great courage from Hope, truely awesome testimony, may healing & peace be her portion & more.
Thank you so much Daniel and Hope The Holy Spirit led me to your potcast a few months ago. I cannot get enough since. Hope you are one Divine Princess.
I pray that Father God would delete all those painful memories and “triggers” from your being. Just like with George Flloyd, it is very possible that Epstein is still alive. I remember when at Epcod, Florida I was told that there are underground passages beneath Disney Land, etc. that Michael Jackson apparently used as quick access to performances above. I stand in agreement with every pray that the earth and it’s inhabitant would spit out ALL truth wrt evil agendas in Jesus Christ Name. Be bless extravagantly Hope and Daniel.
Karin South Africa