
This week on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval, Robert David Steele joins for a power-packed interview. He was recommended for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2017. He is the pro bono Chief Enabling
This week on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval, Dan prepares for Halloween by sharpening the weapons of Spiritual Warfare. In this podcast you will get a peptalk in the power of the weapons
This week Dan Duval goes solo to put together a monologue on the subject of iniquity. Iniquity is translated from 11 Hebrew words, but has the overarching definition of perversion. In this podcast, Dan
Download Now Robert Vandriest Mitchell is back with Dan Duval for yet another epic adventure into things unknown. In recent weeks, a number of Dan’s clients have begun making connections to hollow earth. Robert
Download Now This week on Discovering the Truth, Dan Duval takes the opportunity to open up the year 2018 with the introduction of the Morning Prayer. For years, the Evening Prayer has been circulated