Download Now This week on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval we zero in on the subject of the Kingdom of God with special guest Paul Tothill. Paul and Dan explore the subject of

Daniel Duval
Daniel Duval is the Executive Director of BRIDE Ministries and is also the Senior Pastor of the BRIDE Ministries Church. He is the author of eight books, including two #1 Amazon bestsellers about prayer. He is the host of the Discovering Truth with Dan Duval podcast, the creator of the BRIDE Ministries Institute, and the creator of the BRIDE Ministries School of Inner Healing and Deliverance. As an advocate for survivors of extreme trauma, it is his vision to build a world-class platform that caters to survivors of satanic ritual abuse and government sponsored mind control agendas, which includes free resources, a church, support groups, trained coaches, housing solutions, and more.
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Download Now This week on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval we are joined again by Dr. Rob Ruckert. He is the founder of Breakthrough Ministries and is also one of the BRIDE DID
Download Now This week on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval, the subject of portals comes front and center. What are portals? What are portals used for? Can portals be found in the Bible?
Download Now This week on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval there are no holds barred as Dan Duval goes at it without notes and without a plan. What will come out of his
Download Now This week on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval you will hear a message on leadership that Daniel delivered while he was in Australia. What makes an effective leader? What are some
Download Now Prepare for another epic and radical episode of Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval. We are joined again this week by Illuminati defector Robert Vandriest Mitchell. Prepare to have your mind blown
Download Now This week Dan Duval is on vacation! However, while he was in Australia, Daniel was asked to do a Q & A on the subjects of spiritual warfare and deliverance. This week’s
Download Now Liz is back with us on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval! She is a survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse and is a client of Dr. Preston Bailey. She is also from
Download Now This week on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval we will be getting an insider’s perspective as to what actually happened during Project Montauk at Camp Hero. Dan Duval will be joined
Download Now This week on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval we will be joined by LA Marzulli to talk at length about the days that we are living in. He is calling them
Download Now This week we will be getting into the subject of assignment based living. Many people have a hard time figuring out how to organize their lives around productive activities. Furthermore, with all
Download Now Many of us are familiar with the idea that we have 5 major senses. They are touch, taste, sight, smell, and hearing. However, many of us have never stopped to consider that
Download Now In an effort to put all of the pieces of the puzzle together it is often helpful to speak with those that have actually come out of the highest levels of darkness
Download Now According to 1 Thessalonians 5:23, the Bible explains that we have a body, a soul, and a spirit. While most people understand what the body is, distinguishing soul and spirit can be
Download Now This week on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval we will get into it with author and Bible prophecy researcher Benjamin Baruch. In this program Benjamin gets into his testimony and some
Download Now What are higher dimensions? Where do UFOs come from and where do they go? What is going on with CERN and does this tie into Bible Prophecy. This week on Discovering the
Download Now Many Christians are losing the battle with the devil. However, the problem is that most Christians are not equipped with an understanding of the spiritual weapons that God gives. Hence they do
Download Now Is Russia destined to nuke the US? This is the question that we will be asking today as we are joined by friend and Bible prophecy researcher Doug Woodward. Based on his
Download Now This week on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval prepare for another epic program as Daniel gets into it with SRA and survivor and Illuminati defector Robert Vandriest Mitchell. He comes from
Download Now This week on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval you will be introduced to none other than Dan Duval’s mom! Her name is Bessie Duval and this program will feature a recording
Download Now There are several lists of gifts found in the New Testament. They are located in Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, and Ephesians 4. Are they to be all lumped into one long
Download Now Is Reformed Theology the bridge by which God will accomplish his end-time plans? What is the reduced gospel? Does Dispensationalism create the proper context for us to exegete the Bible the way
Download Now In this episode Daniel gets into Genesis chapter 1 from a dimensional perspective. By revisiting the creation account he seeks to explain the phenomena of the spirit realm immediately surrounding the earth.
Download Now Phil Botha was a man who attained the 9th degree as a Satanic High Priest in South Africa. He only escaped because of the power and repeated interventions of Jesus Christ. The
Download Now Phil Botha was a man who attained the 9th degree as a Satanic High Priest in South Africa. He only escaped because of the power and repeated interventions of Jesus Christ. The
Download Now When it comes to the weapons of our warfare many Christians are clueless as to what God has provided to us. What are our spiritual weapons? What do the blood, the water,
Download Now Why do we get discouraged? What keeps us in the place of discouragement? What tools does God make available to us in order to overcome in this area? This week on Discovering
Download Now How pervasive is the occult? What connections do the occult and mind control agendas maintain? What don’t witches want Christians to know? On this week’s program Mary Lou Lake joins Dan Duval
Download Now Are all of the governments of the world controlled by an occult cabal? Is this group in control of world events, our educational systems, our financial systems, and even our news agencies?
Download Now What is our position in the Kingdom of God? How do we apply faith to walk according to the resources of heaven? What is faith? What is the trans-dimensional nature of the
Download Now On Today’s program Daniel Duval will be joined by author and researcher Josh Peck to get into a deep discussion on the implications of higher and parallel dimensions. Do they exist? How
Download Now This week on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval we will be picking up where our last episode on Dimensions of Healing left off. This is a series designed to equip and
Download Now Here on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval one of our goals is to equip you with the ability to walk out into the things of God. This episode will be the
Download Now This is the series you’ve been waiting for. This is the official series that will disclose what Mind Control is, what it means, and what can be done about it. The subject

Daniel Duval
Daniel Duval is the Executive Director of BRIDE Ministries and is also the Senior Pastor of the BRIDE Ministries Church. He is the author of eight books, including two #1 Amazon bestsellers about prayer. He is the host of the Discovering Truth with Dan Duval podcast, the creator of the BRIDE Ministries Institute, and the creator of the BRIDE Ministries School of Inner Healing and Deliverance. As an advocate for survivors of extreme trauma, it is his vision to build a world-class platform that caters to survivors of satanic ritual abuse and government sponsored mind control agendas, which includes free resources, a church, support groups, trained coaches, housing solutions, and more.