Exposing Kabbalah Part 11 – The Kabbalistic Calendar

Prayer Audio:



Introducing… Exposing Kabbalah Part 11

This week we’re back with Dan Duval exposing more mysticism of Kabbalah to believers. This week we are going to look at the calendar of kabbalah. Daniel reminds us that Jesus Christ resolves in his own person the discrepancies between heaven and earth and in his own person aligns us to heaven’s times and seasons. Be ready to find out some deep truths!

TRIGGER WARNING: This is not a program for the faint of heart, nor is it one that you will want to miss if you can handle the truth. There will be a few graphic descriptions. This podcast will contain information about subjects that may be difficult or inappropriate for some audiences including young children.

Expect to hear Daniel talk about:

  • The Hebrew Calendar is connected to constellations along with various aspects of life
  • Hebrew/Kabbalah calendars are tied to the government of Lucifer
  • The following of New Moons and Sabbaths only grieved the soul of God
  • Hebrew Roots Movement are the deceptions of the Kabbalah
  • Jesus fulfilled the first three feasts at his death, burial, and resurrection
  • Kabbalistic Calendar is renamed the Jewish Calendar
  • Kabbalah seeks to erode all revelation of the work of Jesus Christ as Messiah
  • The true Hebrew New Year begins on Passover in the month of Nisan, not in the 7th month during the Feast of Trumpets

And exposing many other truths…

Truths from the Podcast:

  1. “So, if I wanted to initiate a lot of people under the government of Kabbalah, I would simply decree a “prophetic word” from the substance of the Kabbalah. I could do this by reorganizing data from the Sefir Yetzirah, saying “Thus Says the Lord” and then giving the “prophetic word” and telling people to put their faith in the prophetic word. For example, I could say: “This is the first month of the Hebraic calendar, the month NISSAN, in other words, the beginning of months…This is the month of redemption…this is the month of the beginning of miracles–BELIEVE! This is the month that sets the course for your future. This is the month to decree (by speech) your future. SPEAK FORTH your expected end, and declare it will be greater than your beginning. This is the month of the RAM or (lamb). This is the “controller” month where you put your best foot forward–the “right foot” month.” Daniel Duval
  2. Key Scriptures referenced in this show: Genesis 7:11, 8:3,4; Exodus 12:2; Romans 8:14; Galatians 5:18; Luke 4:1; Isaiah 1:2-3, 12-14; Colossians 2:13-17, 23; Matthew 11:28; Luke 4:19; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Romans 11; Ephesians 2:15

About Discovering Truth:

Discovering Truth with Dan Duval is a weekly podcast that was launched in 2012. It began as an investigation into conspiracy, the developing New World Order, and subjects related to end-times Bible prophecy.

Over the years, it has evolved to include a strong outreach to survivors suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) due to satanic ritual abuse (SRA) and government sponsored mind control. This program also exposes the Illuminati from the inside out, featuring many testimonies of Illuminati defectors. In addition, there is a huge focus on the Kingdom of God, victorious living, inner healing, and deliverance.

New episodes are released every Thursday on our websiteYouTubeBlogTalk RadioiTunes, and many other websites.

More on Kabbalah:

Be sure to stay tuned in for the final part of the series Exposing Kabbalah!

If you have missed any of the previous Kabbalah series start by listening to these other podcasts and check out the Kabbalah playlist on our YouTube channel:

What is Kabbalah?

Kabbalah Creation Myth

Kabbalah Creation Myth Continued

The Fall According to Kabbalah


What Does it Mean to be a Jew?


The Kosher Serpent and the Restoration of All Things

The Secret of Leviathan

The Four Worlds

1 thought on “Exposing Kabbalah Part 11 – The Kabbalistic Calendar”

  1. Garlenia Davis

    You did such an exceptional job on this in-depth series I have not forgotten its impact and just recently was able to share with a worship flag creator that the infinity sign she uses is tied to kabbalah. She had no idea. Thanks for doing the work to unearth the hidden truths and seperate truth from deception. This ties neatly with Freemasonry and Mithraism. Job well done! Thank you. Thank you!

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