Visit us at! Since many believers do not even know what Kabbalah is, they neither know what its beliefs are nor how to identify where its influence has poisoned the waters in the body of Christ. Kabbalah teaches an esoteric template for man and creation known as the kabbalah tree. It is a source of revelation for students of the deep occult. Thus, we are going to learn why Kabbalah, at its core, is a doctrine of demons and a revealing of the government of Lucifer.
Prayer Audio:

Daniel Duval
Daniel Duval is the Executive Director of BRIDE Ministries and is also the Senior Pastor of the BRIDE Ministries Church. He is the author of eight books, including two #1 Amazon bestsellers about prayer. He is the host of the Discovering Truth with Dan Duval podcast, the creator of the BRIDE Ministries Institute, and the creator of the BRIDE Ministries School of Inner Healing and Deliverance. As an advocate for survivors of extreme trauma, it is his vision to build a world-class platform that caters to survivors of satanic ritual abuse and government sponsored mind control agendas, which includes free resources, a church, support groups, trained coaches, housing solutions, and more.
3 thoughts on “Exposing Kabbalah Part 2 – Kabbalah Creation Myth”
Will add the same text already added on this site but with slight modifications
There is no need to create void and God does not have to be nothing itself.
If there is total void then it means there are no rules of physics, there is no matter, time, light. There is nothing that can say what should be and how it should be. There are no rules that say how the world should be and there is no world even.
In this total nothingness there is then an endless possibility. Because nothing is there to say what should be and what should not be. So the nothing with no preconditions “creates” so to speak endless possibility or God.
What is coming next is a bit more difficult and it’s not yet formulated with very clear logic as it requires more work to do. It requires also some people with philosophical interests as there are details that need to be clarified.
There are no contradictons in this first endless possibility, meaning it will not go against itself. Endless possibility will not yet contain the destruction of its own possibility. The will that is luciferian is secondary, it is emerged from the first endless possibility as a secondary will or something that is going against the endless possibility as a destructive force. There is no contradiction in the endless possibility, yet Lucifer had free will, meaning that the endless possibility included also possibility for Lucifer to fall. So the evil came into existence only after the possibility started to manifest itself. But. This is important here. There are also some german mystics who say that in the first empty void two sides of God emerge – good and evil if to use simplified terms. But the evil is always secondary as a contradiction to the endless opportunity. These are no equal creations from the emptiness as the Lucifer would maybe want to say. Or maybe wants to say that he was the beginning of everything.
There are no contradictions in the first endless possibility so this is based on love. We are all coming from this. But something that is based on the endless possibility can go against it and express itself by using power on the others that came into existance from it or some other destructive ideas.
Who is then Jesus in this cosmology? Jesus is that everything that emerges from the first endless opportunity or is the first idea of creation manifested. So the endless possibility is father God, Jesus as the manifestation of endless possibility is then the son of God and we are coming out from Jesus. This is logical. He is the image of invisible God, firstborn of all creation and so on. Holy Spirit is in this cosmology the grand idea of how everything will manifest.
The salvation is another question that is not discussed in this comment.
Praise God for this revelation…we’ve been sold a bill of goods and this sermon was very enlightening…Thank you, Daniel, for all of your hard work researching this topic it is definitely needed!!!
I have a confusion on the Star of David. Which I thought was two triangles one God and the other man which is a picture of God’s heart. God-Jesus-Holy Spirit and man’s part Body-Soul-Spirit. Kat Kerr who has been to heaven says that star is all over in heaven and she even sells a sticker of it. She says and I believe satan can only steel what God has as an counterfeit. Why would the world Evil like Hitler use the star as a shame upon them. Yet if the Jews are the Satanic as a bases in it’s Kabbalah? God says you curse Israel you will be cursed. You said their are verses in the Bible stating the star is evil? Please help me, I love your ministry and my spirit says you are speaking Truth just want to untangle my own confusion in my understanding. Thank-you again.