
Prayer Resources

Essence is life, and we begin as life. Essence is the template from which our intrinsic nature and character is derived as well as a life source. From our essence, our spirit, soul, body,
There is something very special about praying in the morning. Prayer works at every time of the day, but there is something very powerful about morning prayer. Prayers said in the morning have an
  “Father, I come before you in prayer. I enter into your gates with thanksgiving and enter into your courts with praise (1). I praise you because you are worthy, holy, righteous, and just.
  In order to make a decision for Jesus we must believe that He is the only begotten Son of the Father. When He came to earth He was born of a virgin, being
  Lord God I thank you that he that dwells in the secret place of the Most High will abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, you are
I engage with my arche and establish it over my children. I call my arche charged with the names of God: Jehovah-Jireh, Jehovah-Rapha, Jehovah-Shammah, Jehovah-Nissi, Jehovah-Tsidkenu, Jehovah-Makkedesh, Jehovah-Ra’ah, Jehovah-Shalom, Jehovah-Gibbowr, Jehovah-Elohim, Jehovah-Sabaoth, Jehovah-Issuwz, Jehovah-Hoseenu,
  The human spirit is a component of our creation that has been poorly understood. For this reason, the Church has been quite inefficient in ministering to the spirit of man. Most of the
The book of Revelation has incredible promises that are associated with overcomers. This prayer condenses all of these promises into one place to allow you to lay hold of all that God has set
  This prayer contains a combination of prayers found on this site and is designed to help survivors cover themselves in protection.   The Combo Prayer Father, I come before You in prayer to
Father I come before you in prayer and I praise and worship the name of Jesus. You are the God who was and who is and who is to come. You are the Alpha
  The Lord has promised healing through his son Jesus Christ. We believe that although the components behind the manifestation of God’s healing may be complex, healing belongs to the children of God.  
God commands us to pray for our leaders. This can mean leaders in our community, leaders in the body of Christ, or leaders over our nation; leaders targeted by witchcraft and all types of
  Lord I come before you in prayer to thank you that the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof (Psalm 24:1). I declare that you are Jehovah-Jireh, you are the God who
  As you pray over your home I recommend taking oil and anointing every doorway and window throughout the house. As you go from room to room say the following say the first prayer.
When it comes to surface-level deliverance, we employ a simple 5-step process to getting people free. These five steps are 1.) Confess, 2.) Repent, 3.) Renounce, 4.) Bind, and 5.) Cast Out. The basic
Land is a subject that is important to God. Just like mankind has been defiled through sin and iniquity, so has land. This is why God wants men cooperate with him so that he
Black Goo is an increasing problem, presenting itself for many people that consider themselves Targeted Individuals, but for others as well. It is often seen from the spirit and looks like black tar that
Collapsing evil timelines is required for almost every human on the planet. The basic idea is that God has books that he has written about us, detailing the many things that he has planned
In the book Prayers that Shake Heaven and Earth, I included two prayers that were exceptionally good at separating people from their human persecutors in both the natural and the spirit. These prayers helped
  In the Bible there are a number of occasions during which prayers are literally written into the Bible. This document will present these prayers in a format that is personalized in such a
In today’s world, the argument that abortion should remain legal because it is the women’s right to choose has opened the door to an epidemic. Each year hundreds of thousands of children are slaughtered in abortion
  Father in heaven, I come before you in the mighty name of Jesus. I praise you for your power and great glory. I declare that your name is Jehovah-Gibowr (Psalm 24:8), the Lord
Father in heaven, I come before you in the Mighty name of Jesus because I have been invited to come boldly before your throne of grace to find mercy and grace to help in
  There are millions of people around the world that suffer from ringing in the ears. It has a number of sources that can vary from one person to the next. Thus, it also
Many people struggle with being pursued and attacked by demons, humans out of body both living and dead, and other entities that are difficult to classify. In some cases, entire teams of human agents
Father in heaven, I come before you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. I apply the blood of Jesus and cover all technology involved in what I am about to execute. I bind
    Father God, we come before you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and pray that you would grant us amnesty from every enemy. We declare that your Word says when the
Prayer Against Santeria & Voodoo by Dr. Preston Bailey When dealing with Santeria or Voodoo, the first step is that a person needs to renounce it. After renouncing it, take the Sword of the
Grids are quantum networks of energy pathways intersecting at nodal points (each nodal point being its own realm) and performing functions related to the iniquity that undergirds them and the powers of darkness that
It is not uncommon for individuals that are navigating a great degree of brokenness to also have battles with suicidal ideation. Sometimes the pain becomes so great that the most reasonable solution can appear
Spiritual objects are regularly encountered when the spirit realm begins to be accurately discerned. Spiritual objects can be hooks, gadgets, pieces of technology, implants, wires, computers, and more. They can also be knives, axes,
This prayer is for the purpose of addressing spiritual objects as one may come across them in the course of deliverance or inner healing work. Spiritual objects can be hooks, gadgets, pieces of technology,
It can be difficult to explain to people why they will find that their DNA is woven into earth systems. As you will see, this includes geographical locations, corporations, secret societies, mountains, valleys, and
Discovering that Deliverance could be executed from entire Councils in the Kingdom of Darkness was one of the greatest breakthroughs we experienced, particularly when it came to finding prayers that were effective for Targeted
Fallen Heavenly Powers can include fallen angels as well as other categories of evil beings. This prayer is designed to break the interface between you and the entity. Separating from a fallen angel’s influence
In the process of getting freedom in Christ Jesus, it can at times be necessary to separate from Human spirits/souls. They are different than demons or heavenly beings. However, their anchors and influences can
Some of the most difficult deliverances involve human persecutors, particularly when a person has been through satanic ritual abuse or high-level cult programming, such as Illuminati programming. There will be key handlers, programmers, abusers,