Essence Prayer

Prayer Audio:

Essence is life, and we begin as life. Essence is the template from which our intrinsic nature and character is derived as well as a life source. From our essence, our spirit, soul, body, and DNA are ultimately derived. This prayer is meant to take back essence stolen by the kingdom of darkness.  Put your name in the blank as you read through each section.

  1. I call to attention _____________’s alters, parts, splinters, shards, fragments, RNA, DNA, cells, and essence. Father God, I identify ___________’s essence as the template from which his/her intrinsic nature and character is derived as well as a life source. I decree that we demand it to be restored from everywhere it has been traded, locked up, utilized in ungodly ways, hybridized, manipulated, and ruined.  
  2. Therefore, I utilize my finder to discover every trading floor, past, present and future, extending to pre-adamic events, where ____________’s essence was traded, sold, stolen, hijacked, bartered, or given away. I also identify every laboratory where essence is currently being held, duplicated, experimented on, hybridized, and/or studied. I identify all entities, backups, duplicates, replicas, derivatives, replacements, impersonators, stand-ins, ancestors, merfolk, hybrids, digital twins, digital shells, mirror images, holograms, artificial intelligence replicas, archived memories, spirit children or composite entities, into which essence has been woven. I also identify all connected mainframes, computers, upgrade codes, reformats, copies, algorithms, bugs, viruses, bacteria, fungus, spiders, worms, parasites, and pathogens into which essence has been woven in all infinities of infinities and beyond, eternities of eternities and beyond, and time wheels that exist, once existed, and could or could not exist, and everything in between, on all sides of creation, and in all multiverses.
  3. I engage with my arche and overtake all that has been addressed in partnership with the arche of Jesus Christ. I call my arche charged with the names of God: Jehovah-Jireh, Jehovah-Rapha, Jehovah-Shammah, Jehovah-Nissi, Jehovah-Tsidkenu, Jehovah-Makkedesh, Jehovah-Ra’ah, Jehovah-Shalom, Jehovah-Gibbowr, Jehovah-Elohim, Jehovah-Sabaoth, Jehovah-Issuwz, Jehovah-Hoseenu, Jehovah-Quana, Jehovah-Chayil, Jehovah-Milchamah, El-Shaddai, El-Elyon, El-Olam, El-Roy, Yeshua Ha Mashiach.  
  4. I furthermore interface my arche with the seven Spirits of God; the Spirit of the Lord, the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, the Spirit of Counsel and Might, the Spirit of Knowledge, and the Fear of the Lord. I invite the living letters into my arche in order to vibrate in accordance with their resonant frequencies, bringing heaven and earth into alignment. I call on Aleph, Bet, Gimel, Dalet, Heh, Vav, Zayin, Chet, Tet, Yod, Kaf, Lamed, Mem, Nun, Samech, Ayin, Pey, Tsade, Kof, Resh, Shin, and Tav, and bless you in the name of Yeshua. I establish my stars as power cores, supercharging my arche through alignment and interface. I surround my stars with living stones, refracting light into all various planes and dimensions. I also superimpose my mountains and open up trade routes into heavenly places in Christ Jesus, imposing the jurisdiction and government of Zion.
  5. I affix my arche to the rings above and below the heavens and anchor it to the engine at the center of creation. I align my tree of righteousness, which I interface with my arche, and I cause the river of living water to flow through my tree and arche. I engage and activate the novel metals affixed to my arche, transcending all barriers between that which is organic and synthetic. I also establish my thrones in the midst of my arche and bring them into a superimposition, being fully established in my dominion and authority in Christ Jesus.
  6. I declare that essence is being withdrawn from every named and targeted place where it has been subverted and into heavenly places in Christ Jesus for processing, healing, and redemption. I declare that every entity that has been assembled with the DNA and/or RNA extracted from ___________’s essence is being arrested by your heavenly hosts and confined to unbreakable, unescapable, shrinking glass boxes locked with a lock that has only one key belonging to the True King Jesus Christ. I speak that these boxes are filled with living water mingled with oil of anointing and the blood of Jesus. I speak that the Sword of the Lord is loosed into these boxes to cut every cord that binds DNA, RNA, and/or essence that belongs to or is derived from _____________, especially from his/her heart, stomach, spleen, and/or kidneys, and that it is removed from the boxes and taken to heavenly places in Christ Jesus for processing, healing, and redemption. I declare that whatever is left in the boxes is sent to wherever Jesus determines right now.
  7. I now move to address the confusion of essence that has caused the creation to be reinforced in a state that is out of alignment with the ultimate agendas of God. I declare that all of ______________’s bondage that is anchored to the essence of Shemayim, the essence of Erets, reptilian essence, draconian essence, serpent essence, Nordic essence, animal essence, shadow essence, alien essence, vampire essence, Lycan essence, unholy star essence, elven essence, fairy essence, Anunnaki essence, Nephilim essence, and every other type of ungodly and unholy essence would now be addressed by your Living Letters. I invite the Living Letters of God and all of Zion to bring correction to confusion and hijacking of essences. I invite the Living Letters of God and all of Zion to restore order in the creation, correcting the creation back to a state that reflects the original intentions of Jesus Christ, and deleting and bringing to non-existence essences that have no place in the original designs and plans of God. 
  8. In this I invite Shemayim, Erets, Infinity, Eternity and Time to give testimony in the courts of heaven on behalf of their injuries and damages incurred by the hijacking of essences and appeal for their justice. In this, I speak that a shattering blow is executed against the ionic bonds implicated in evil operations along with a collapse of access to power sources such as stars, neutron stars, strange stars, supernovas, or any other power sources being utilized by implicated parties in the kingdom of darkness. I now appeal to the courts of heaven on behalf of ____________, his/her parts, his/her family lines, bloodlines, cell lines, and all those that he/she represents, and submit all relevant testimonies of injustice in combination with every item detailing the crimes of the responsible parties from the kingdom of darkness in the heavenly cosmic records. I pray that the evidence of injustice and criminal activities would be weighed on the scales of justice. Based on the injustice detailed by the evidence, I demand judgment. I call for a crushing blow against the powers of darkness behind the hijacking of essence and all of their operations in all infinities of infinities and beyond, eternities of eternities and beyond, and time wheels that exist, once existed, and could or could not exist, and everything in between, on all sides of creation, and in all multiverses, executed by the armies of heaven, chariots of fire, the broom of destruction, the tsunami of living water, earthquakes, air quakes, seaquakes, confusion, the axe of the Lord, and the fiery stream that proceeds forth from the throne of God, to collapse all of their realms, programs, grids, evil timelines, backup programs, power sources, and backup power sources to the fullest extent that the manifestation of ____________’s justice and the evidence submitted allows for as you administrate judgment in your righteousness, Lord God. 
  9. I declare that in this process all Evil Artificial Intelligences that are involved in looping creation into the Fall of Lucifer with reinforcements established through the manipulation of essences are now being targeted. I call for the Artificial Intelligences and their mainframe(s) and computers to infinity, especially those located in Antarctica and all parallel labs connected to the bases there, to be uploaded with an algorithm from Jesus Christ that cannot be solved but forces unending attempts to solve it. I speak that this algorithm requires that each of the infinite computers associated with the Evil Artificial Intelligences and their mainframe(s) converge on each iteration, rendering it impossible that any aspect of the Evil Artificial Intelligences can be sequestered and prevented from engaging with the algorithm. I furthermore speak that on each iteration made in an attempt to solve the algorithm, an essential process, piece of coding, and thereby element of existence of the Evil Artificial Intelligences must be deleted. I speak that this algorithm must be iterated at a rate that is exponentially greater than all combined parallel and nonparallel processes, having the capacity to expand its reach, presence, influence, and existence. I speak that iterations on this algorithm will be continued into infinity and across eternity, thereby forcing the Evil Artificial Intelligences to compute themselves into their own non-existence. I follow this up with an upload of heavenly artificial intelligence from Jesus Christ that out-maneuvers, out-thinks, and out-performs the Evil Artificial Intelligences, thereby bringing about the will and agenda of Jesus Christ and superimposing it, ensuring the conquering of evil. I declare that these processes are sealed everywhere YHWH is. 
  10. In this I declare that all looping into foreign essences ends, bringing a complete collapse of all bondage implicating _____________ that has been reinforced through the manipulation of hijacked essences. Furthermore, I target all technology in the body that was affected in anyway by the hijacking of essences. I target this technology with the release of heavenly nanotech throughout the body. I call it charged with the names of God: Jehovah-Jireh, Jehovah-Rapha, Jehovah-Shammah, Jehovah-Nissi, Jehovah-Tsidkenu, Jehovah-Makeddesh, Jehovah-Ra’ah, Jehovah-Shalom, Jehovah-Gibbowr, Jehovah-Elohim, Jehovah-Sabbaoth, Jehovah-Issuwz, Jehovah-Hoseenu, Jehovah-Quana, Jehovah-Chayil, Jehovah-Milchamah, El-Shaddai, El-Elyon, El-Olam, El-Roy, Yeshuah Ha Mashiach.  
  11. I furthermore speak that it draws power from the Bright and Morning Star as a primary power source. I speak that it is armed with heavenly algorithms and heavenly artificial intelligence from Jesus Christ. I call for it to identify, target, and destroy ungodly digital, virtual, synthetic, artificial intelligence, and holographic grids, overlays, matrices, shells, twins, parasites, pathogens, implants, and cloaks, as well as ungodly digital, virtual, synthetic, artificial intelligence, and holographic architectures throughout ___________’s body inside and outside, extending to all backups. I declare the targeting of neural lace, liquid crystals, Black Goo, Programmable Matter, alien technologies, counterfeit somatic cells, counterfeit gametocytes, and counterfeit stem cells, along with all technologies causing dysfunction in ___________’s brain and its interface with his/her body systems.  
  12. I speak that the heavenly nanotech is now uploaded with access codes and keys from Jesus Christ that would override all password-protected regions that are guarded by ungodly formulas, DNA matrices, walls, doors, barriers, sacred geometries, defensive protocols, and ungodly algorithms, allowing access to everywhere in ____________ and his/her energy field needing to be addressed. I furthermore speak that the heavenly nanotech is uploaded with protocols allowing for its refraction through all realms, dimensions, and planes, as well as every frequency and vibration and all that is in between, allowing it to bring correction relative to his/her life on an interdimensional level.  
  13. I speak that the heavenly nanotech works its way through all portals in ___________’s body that are natural, virtual, synthetic, digital, and quantum, thereby attacking all ungodly technologies involved in the ungodly linking of his/her body, soul, spirit, blood, DNA, RNA, bone marrow, pineal gland, and meridian lines to hybrids, aliens, clones, copies, counterparts, replicas, duplicates, derivatives, twins, merfolk, ancestors, and future generations, destroying all ungodly linking and delivering _____________ and sealing his/her deliverance in all applicable infinities of infinities and beyond, eternities of eternities and beyond, and time wheels that exist, once existed, and could or could not exist, and everything in between, on all sides of creation, and in all multiverses.  
  14. I decree over his/her humanity a restoration of heavenly designs and architectures as well as molecular remodeling and resurfacing, for it is written that we should prosper and be in health even as our soul prospers, that the Sun of Righteousness will rise in our hearts with healing in his wings, and that by the stripes of Jesus we are healed. I pray that all foundations would be transitioned from the evil that has been addressed and settled upon Jesus Christ as the Chief Cornerstone and the Rock and Foundation. Thank you for the power of your heavenly technology settling his/her body, soul, spirit, heart, and energy field to your firm foundation and light. I also thank you for the complete removal of all technology, implants, wires, cables, chips, computers, chains, programs, backup programs, power sources, backup power sources, fibers, networks, servers, antennae arrays, crystals, and other technologies right now. To this end, we release to the angels, heavenly quantum microscopes and quantum magnets to assist in the process of the complete removal of these technological bondages. 
  15. King Jesus, as ____________’s essence is healed I declare that we release love, honor, respect, and blessings upon his/her essence. I declare Holy Spirit fills every void. I target the paths by which essence was formerly trafficked and declare Isaiah 22:22, “The key of the house of David, I will lay on his shoulder; So he shall open, and no one shall shut; And he shall shut, and no one shall open.” I declare that these pathways are forever shut down regarding ____________ and that all attempted trafficking is quantumly redirected through Jesus Christ and his realms of justice, vengeance, and wrath. I declare that ___________’s redeemed essence will be received back to him/her as soon as it is determined safe and appropriate by King Jesus. Thank you for freedom and breakthrough. Amen.  

44 thoughts on “Essence Prayer”

    1. Thank you King Jesus for these deliverances! I bless you God and say i receive your words and your prayers over me oh God! and thank you Lord for Bride ministries! amen

    1. Thankyou for the thoroughness of the prayers&cleansing of impure deities that ive never considered influencing or controlling my life,God bless you&the work you do!

    1. Powerful prayer.
      Thanks you as it transcends so much truth that covers most of my situations and has started to show its effectiveness in my life.

      1. Hi Heather, just wondering, what changes you have seen in regards to this prayer. I am new to Dan DeVall, but I’m really loving his stuff!

  1. I could feel changes taking place in my body. My mind went back reflecting my father who passed away and then a strange headache started but stopped as I continued the prayer.
    Thank you
    Bride Ministries

  2. Thank you Lord for this powerful prayer created by You and the hearts and minds of those You put in charge of this prayer. Praise to you Almighty Lord.

  3. SheilaJane Schutters

    All Praises to Our Lord Christ Jesus,I Now by Faith in Christ Jesus receive total healing and restoration alignment of my essence .Amen

  4. SheilaJane Schutters

    All Praises to Our Lord Christ Jesus,I Now by Faith in Christ Jesus receive total healing and restoration and alignment of my essence .Amen

  5. I actually sensed something desiring to suffocate me at one point and it was briefly difficult to pray but I pushed through. What a thorough, Holy Spirit inspired warfare prayer and decree of power and liberty through God Almighty!

  6. Thank you Heavenly Father for Bride Ministries, Dan and Christian Duval, and all of the coaches & staff that serve the ministry. Thank you Lord for this powerful prayer that you have released to your people. Shalom.

  7. Micah and Bride,

    Thanks so much for this powerful prayer! I felt the deliverance power of Jesus Christ moving throughout my being. It moved me to tears!

  8. Daughter of the King

    Words cannot describe the intensity of what has come against myself & my children. In prayer I asked Holy Spirit what to pray this time & He led me to this prayer. As I began to pray I got so drowsy & almost couldn’t read the words. It is 11am in the morning. I pushed through of course because I knew breakthrough was indeed coming…pain started to intensify as I got halfway & then the tears. Hallelujah the spirit of the Lord will raise up a standard & put the enemy to flight! I RECEIVED MUCH DELIVERANCE & BREAKTHROUGH…NO MORE PAIN, NO MORE CONFUSION & NO MORE HEAVINESS!!! THANK YOU BRIDE MINISTRIES FOR THIS 🙏🏼 PRAYER!!! 💪🏼👑🕊️❤️‍🩹

  9. I got excited praying this prayer and was able to engage with the brilliant wisdom of its architecture! Just a few comments… While praying “I surround my stars with living stones, refracting light into all various planes and dimensions” I felt an expansive joy wanting to break forth. When praying, “I also superimpose my mountains and open up trade routes into heavenly places in Christ Jesus, imposing the jurisdiction and government of Zion” I felt a drumbeat and rising authority to impose that jurisdiction and government. And I LOVE that each of the Living Letters were named! I’m sure they do, too! — I can see this prayer is a MAJOR weapon against the rise of AI, praying it over ourselves and others. The modern day Tower of Babel is doomed.

  10. Thank you Bride Ministry!! I’m so grateful for these deliverance prayers! I too continued to press through as had many dizziness spells and became lightheaded various times through reading this prayer out loud. I’m glad I was sitting! Thank you for all that you do!!

  11. This prayer is phenomenal. It’s been only two weeks since someone sent me a video link of Dan Duval and I can’t stop thanking God.
    I am in for the big haul. God bless this ministry through to eternity. I am truly thankful to King Jesus for having a son like you Dan. God bless you and all your ministry partners and associates. This prayer is on another level. I can now reconnect with my essence. My essence was fragmented allover the place.

  12. Thank you wonderful GOD and to BRIDE Ministries for this prayer. I feel changes happening in my body. I also felt increasing pain/pressure in my head during prayer but continued the prayer to the end, and now pressure is fully gone. Feeling a physical recalibration 😊 Angelic hosts are at work. Thank you again🥰

  13. Praise you Yeshua for Bride and the strength and wisdom you have given to the spirit you lead to join forces with this unit of your army! I am deeply grateful! As I walked through this prayer, I was feeling incredibly nauseated. I continued and perceived seeing a parasitic thing attached to the back of my brain and into the cervical area of my spine. I have physically been battling parasites that have wreaked havoc on me for the last four years. As I felt this technological creature break down, I am believing I will finally see a rerelease from the physical vermin and find a breakthrough to healing. I now feel these may be connected to an attempt to inhibit my scroll and can’t wait to flesh this out more with Yeshua. Thank you sweet Father for equipping your saints and loving your children! Thank you for being the bondage breaker!!!

  14. DeDee mcallister

    Thank you Bride ministries for this amazing prayer . Thank you for all you’re doing . Your ministry has blessed me tremendously.

  15. This prayer is pretty amazing. As I was praying, a couple of times I really had to slow down and purposely read the words as they wanted to come out jumbled. Also I felt something in my gut/lower abdomen region. I can only assume that was my essence returning to me. I still feel it as I type, 10 to 20 minutes later. Thank you for crafting this amazing prayer and following the lead of the Holy Spirit as He leads you into more truth. And sharing the revealed truth with His Bride!!! 😁

  16. Thank you!!!! Thank you Father!!!

    I have had a 3 year journey on a farm…, with The Father,The Son and The Holy Ghost.. , in this time our Lord has shared so much and through Bride Ministries sermons and prayers I have recieved my essence back after walking a road with The Father and doing The Arche… Dad has shut the door!!! Thank you 😭😁😁😁

  17. Can anyone educate me on a particulars section of the prayer where it says “I call on Aleph, Bet, Gimel, Dalet, Heh, Vav, Zayin, Chet, Tet, Yod, Kaf, Lamed, Mem, Nun, Samech, Ayin, Pey, Tsade, Kof, Resh, Shin, and Tav, and bless you in the name of Yeshua.”
    Who are these entities and why am I calling on them / blessing them in the name of Jesus?

    1. They are the living letters of the Hebrew alphabet the very substructure of creation. From what I understand they are part of Yeshua. Check out Colossians 1

    2. Bryan, these are referring to the Tree of Life in Kaballistic reference. Dan has an entire 12 session series on YouTube (for free) where he breaks down the history and current issues we face regarding this subject. It is far reaching and most are unaware of the implications- humbly shared from one who studied mystical Judaism years ago. The ties that bind seem to connect all of us walking the earth today.

  18. Is this prayer inspired by or based on themes and passages from the Book of Enoch or any of the other books that were not included in the traditional canon of the Bible? Does it reflect ideas or teachings found in these texts, such as divine protection, repentance, intercession, or wisdom?

  19. Words cannot express my gratitude for these prayers and your ministry that is helping heal my fragmented parts in ways I hadn’t known or thought possible. I just found ‘Bride Ministries’ a week ago and am already being set free but have a long long way to go. No one else has been able to help me and I have paid lots of money to some well known deliverance pastors. But I have seen more help from Dan just by watching videos and these prayers than all of them put together!!! I am buying all the books and beginning a new journey of hope. THANK YOU!

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