Introducing… Coming into the Priesthood to Engage God This week on Discovering Truth with Dan Duval, we have Todd Weatherly back on the show! Todd Weatherly talks about people asking the wrong question: How

Daniel Duval
Daniel Duval is the Executive Director of BRIDE Ministries and is also the Senior Pastor of the BRIDE Ministries Church. He is the author of eight books, including two #1 Amazon bestsellers about prayer. He is the host of the Discovering Truth with Dan Duval podcast, the creator of the BRIDE Ministries Institute, and the creator of the BRIDE Ministries School of Inner Healing and Deliverance. As an advocate for survivors of extreme trauma, it is his vision to build a world-class platform that caters to survivors of satanic ritual abuse and government sponsored mind control agendas, which includes free resources, a church, support groups, trained coaches, housing solutions, and more.
Tags Cloud
- Ana Méndez Ferrell, Australia, Body of Christ, book of revelation, change of timelines, Dan Duval, David, Discovering Truth, Dreams, End Times, Field of Dreams Church, Field of Dreams Church of Adelaide, God, govern, Holy Spirit, kingly rule, kings, kings and priest, lions, Melchizedek priesthood, Multiverse, natural resistance of change, new era, offer gifts, offer sacrifice, our role, overcome fear, priestly worship, priests, Rachel Weatherly, scrolls, the order of Melchizedek, Tim Downs, timelines, Todd Weatherly, transfiguration, transformation, understand the multiverse, understanding priesthood, visions, western mindset, Worship, your role
Visit us at! This week Dan Duval goes solo in order to introduce a new prayer that has been developed for the purpose of getting people delivered from evil timelines. This prayer employs
Download Now When put into practice, the true Kingdom mechanics of setting people free will allow Believers walking in authority to collapse the power structures of global puppeteers worldwide. At BRIDE Ministries, we regularly
Download Now Robert Vandriest Mitchell is back on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval to go further into his story and memories. Robert Vandriest Mitchell is an Illuminati defector, and a survivor of Satanic
Download Now Robert Vandriest Mitchell is back on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval to go further into his story and memories. Robert Vandriest Mitchell is an Illuminati defector, and a survivor of Satanic
Download Now A few weeks ago, Christians around the country sang praises to God in response to the news that the construction of the Temple to Baal in Times Square was canceled. What no
Download Now This week on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval, the subject of portals comes front and center for the second time. What are portals? What are portals used for? Can portals be

Daniel Duval
Daniel Duval is the Executive Director of BRIDE Ministries and is also the Senior Pastor of the BRIDE Ministries Church. He is the author of eight books, including two #1 Amazon bestsellers about prayer. He is the host of the Discovering Truth with Dan Duval podcast, the creator of the BRIDE Ministries Institute, and the creator of the BRIDE Ministries School of Inner Healing and Deliverance. As an advocate for survivors of extreme trauma, it is his vision to build a world-class platform that caters to survivors of satanic ritual abuse and government sponsored mind control agendas, which includes free resources, a church, support groups, trained coaches, housing solutions, and more.
Tags Cloud
- Ana Méndez Ferrell, Australia, Body of Christ, book of revelation, change of timelines, Dan Duval, David, Discovering Truth, Dreams, End Times, Field of Dreams Church, Field of Dreams Church of Adelaide, God, govern, Holy Spirit, kingly rule, kings, kings and priest, lions, Melchizedek priesthood, Multiverse, natural resistance of change, new era, offer gifts, offer sacrifice, our role, overcome fear, priestly worship, priests, Rachel Weatherly, scrolls, the order of Melchizedek, Tim Downs, timelines, Todd Weatherly, transfiguration, transformation, understand the multiverse, understanding priesthood, visions, western mindset, Worship, your role