Programmed by Freemasons Part 4 The Redemption featuring Chaurisse

Prayer Audio:

  This week on Discovering Truth with Dan Duval, Chaurisse joins Dan for a fourth installment of her extraordinary testimony. Chaurisse was a victim of Satanic Ritual Abuse and programming perpetrated by Freemasons, the CIA and other groups. Having survived impossible odds, she is now boldly proclaiming the name of Jesus Christ and his power to deliver from the uttermost. In this episode she goes deeper into aspects of her CIA programming as well as what ultimately came of her dad. This is an episode you will not want to miss!

4 thoughts on “Programmed by Freemasons Part 4 The Redemption featuring Chaurisse”

  1. I found Chaurisse’s testimony extremely encouraging. I stand outside our local abortion clinic and pray and grieve for those murdered babies and their Mothers. In your last episode with her she said she was given a vision of Angels wringing out the tears of the tortured & murdered children onto scales & weighed for future judgement. I haven’t had it verified but I wonder if Angels aren’t also weighing the drops of blood from all the aborted babies for future judgement. I have such love and admiration for Chaurisse and her bravery. Sin is sin and but by the washing under the blood of our Lord and Savior, Yahusha, we’re all condemned!! I’m so thankful that she’s received closure in the relationships with her parents and that they received salvation. Thank you, Chaurisse, and may GOD continue to bless you with truth and answers. And, thank you, Dan.

  2. Thank you, Chaurisse! The things you shared helped me AGAIN to realize I am NOT making this stuff up. The truth you courageously present legitimizes the things I, too, experienced. Hallelujah there is a place to be UNDERSTOOD here! This gives courage to keep on healing, keep on trusting Lion of Judah. Thank you.

  3. Thank you for the words about aborted babies. I have named mine now, and praise the LORD we can be reunited and free from our sins and death through His precious blood that atones and redeems. Bless you and Dan for sharing this.

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