The Mystery of Ezekiel’s Temple Part 6


Ezekiel’s Temple is an enigmatic portion of scripture spanning nine chapters beginning in Ezekiel 40. This temple, which has never been built has proven to be a real challenge to theologians from every camp of Christianity. Though it was never built, it connects to a massive redemption relative to the twelve tribes of Israel, healing of the land and sea, and also becomes the source of a river of living water that goes into the earth. It is to this temple that the glory of the Lord is restored, a glory which departed shortly before the beginning of the Babylonian captivity. In this series Daniel redemptively dives into some of the toughest mysteries surrounding this temple, explaining how it fits in a plan of God that spans ages and generations. This groundbreaking series emerges out of the previous series on Rivers of Living Waters and is not something that you will want to miss.


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