Government Programming, Installing a BEAST Computer, and Ancient Aliens with Jan

Prayer Audio:


Introducing… Unveiling “Conspiracy Theories” in American History

This week Jan is back to talk about her amazing story and current events. Jan is a survivor of satanic ritual abuse (SRA), government-sponsored mind control, and Mengele. She has lots of notes for the show discussing about people programmed in this country, the history of the U.S., and going through her own memories. Prepare yourselves, this may be a terrible cliffhanger!

TRIGGER WARNING: This is not a program for the faint of heart, nor is it one that you will want to miss if you can handle the truth. There will be a few graphic descriptions. This podcast will contain information about subjects that may be difficult or inappropriate for some audiences including young children.

About Jan:

Jan is a survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) and also government-sponsored mind control who has been receiving inner healing coaching from Daniel. She has incredible stories to share about encounters with God, His glory, and her journey to healing.

Strategically, Jan was born in February 1949, coincidentally she was conceived nine months before around the time when Israel became a nation. Jan has been following Daniel through the podcast since 2014 and receiving inner healing and deliverance ministry as a client since 2018.

Expect to hear Jan talk about:

  • Aliens and hybrids coming to the earth to learn what’s different about us
  • Discerning the true voice of God in the last days vs. voice to skull technology
  • False reality overlay narrative force fed to the public by the media and writers of history
  • Training to think in a multidimensional way and keys for deprogramming
  • The lack of knowledge that psychologists and counselors have on programming
  • Places that Jan’s parts have been found all throughout the world and universe
  • Programming pods and punishment grids used as torture chambers
  • The deep state using the rapture agenda to distract the world
  • Conspiracy theories coming out to tell the true narrative of history
  • Entering walls of amnesia and discord to show Americans what’s true and what’s false
  • Witchcraft done on Christians daily as witches train in warfare diligently

And so many more truths…

Truths from the Podcast:

  1. “For your listeners, voice to skull is a kind technology where they beam into your head, usually the voice of someone you’re familiar with. It’s not usually a bad person, it’s somebody you’re familiar with and you care about. And then you develop this relationship with this voice, thinking it’s the real person. and then, usually when you start getting suspicious and start doubting whether this is the real person of not, then they’ll introduce a second person, and they’ll call that person the ‘real person’. So, for instance, if it were Dan Duval, I would hear the voice of Dan Duval. And when I got suspicious of that, then I’d hear another voice which was the real Dan Duval. Now you’re in a state of confusion because you don’t know if it’s the false Dan Duval or the real Dan Duval. And they’re both false, but you don’t know that when you’re in the middle of it. It’s a horrendous, horrible kind of attack that they do. The Lord had told me in the middle of the ‘90s that the biggest challenge we will face in the end days is discerning His Voice. Is knowing the true voice of Jesus or the Father. And I believe that this technology is one of the things they will use more & more, because they have it now. And I think now they’re coupling it with AI and quantum computers.” – Jan
  2. Key Scriptures: Psalms 2:4; Genesis 1:26-28; and Hebrews 4:14-16 & 5:2-10.

About Discovering Truth:

Discovering Truth with Dan Duval is a weekly podcast that was launched in 2012. It began as an investigation into conspiracy, the developing New World Order, and subjects related to end-times Bible prophecy.

Over the years, it has evolved to include a strong outreach to survivors suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) due to satanic ritual abuse (SRA) and government sponsored mind control. This program also exposes the Illuminati from the inside out, featuring many testimonies of Illuminati defectors. In addition, there is a huge focus on the Kingdom of God, victorious living, inner healing, and deliverance.

New episodes are released every Thursday on our websiteYouTubeBlogTalk RadioiTunes, and many other websites.

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If you liked the prayer Daniel prayed, you can sign up to receive prayer updates on the Bride Ministries Prayer Page and get more prayers HERE. Also, be sure to check out the Deliverance Portal and become a member at! Book a coach at for inner healing and deliverance ministry.

More from Jan:

You can also keep up with Jan by listening to her previous podcasts:

Mengele, Tibet, Shadow People, and the Oil Market with Jan

Jupiter, Mothers of Darkness, and Mars Based Artificial Intelligence with Jan

Journeying with Jan Part 4 Revival, Glory and… Clones!

Journeying with Jan Part 3 Voice to Skull, Beelzebub, and Church

Journeying with Jan Part 2 Split Brain Programming, Twinning, and Lucifer

Journeying with Jan Part 1 – Soul Capturing, Cosmic Entanglements, and Mengele

5 thoughts on “Government Programming, Installing a BEAST Computer, and Ancient Aliens with Jan”

  1. I really enjoyed listening to Jan and her experience. It truly is a blessing with all she has gone through to see her smile and love the Lord. Very interesting and many things to think about. Thanks Jan and Dan…God Bless.

  2. Patricia Boling

    I have been watching Jan. I have the End Time Progamming. I have been working with a therapist since 1991. I was wondering if there is a way to speak with her? Much of my programming is similar to hers. I have never been able to find anyone with this programming before. I was born in 1946. Programmed by Mengela. Entered into the military when I was 17. Still dealing with this programming.

  3. Hi Daniel
    I found this programme quiet mind blowing but in afield way I identified with some of the parts that were discussed do you have an explanation please

  4. Jan your are such an inspiration and I thank God for your story ! It’s a huge help to me and my healing journey! God bless you

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