Todd Talks – Encountering Zion Part 3

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Episode 3: Encountering Zion Part 3

*This is the Bi-Weekly Saturday Bible Study recording from June 13, 2020*

Welcome to our show Todd Talks with BRIDE Ministries’ Senior Leader, Todd Edwards. This episode will be featuring the series Encountering Zion. In this show, Todd will be focusing on getting back to Zion.

This time, Todd will unfold the study of Isaiah 52 to explain the concept of stewarding a spirit. As parents, we are responsible for the spirits of our children and we are called to look at our parents as children of YHWH, although some parents might be lost. Todd will explain trade & currencies in the spiritual sense. Also, you will get an understanding of your valuation with Yeshua and your valuation with priesthood.

This is NOT a study about Political Zionism. This will be an extremely insightful and exciting show that you will not want to miss!

Who is Todd Edwards:

Todd Edwards is a senior executive in a software company and has over three decades of experience in building enterprise sales organizations.

Todd Edwards is our Senior Leader at BRIDE Ministries International and a close friend of Daniel Duval.

Follow Along with Todd Talks:

1) Key scriptures to follow along: Psalms 14:5-7, Psalms 102:1-16, Genesis 15:6, John 18:36-37, Genesis 18:20, Exodus 20:12, Isaiah 52:1, Romans 2:29, Leviticus 5:1-2, Romans 7:5, Isaiah 52:2, Genesis 2:7, Isaiah 52:3a, John 18, Isaiah 52:3b, Isaiah 53, Isaiah 55:1, Isaiah 53:4, Hebrews 10, Isaiah 52:4, Isaiah 14:12-15 & 24-27, Isaiah 30, Isaiah 52:5-6, Psalm 25:10-11, Isaiah 52:7, Romans 10:9-15, Isaiah 52:8-9, Isaiah 52:13-15, Jeremiah 31:1 & 10-14, Leviticus 14:7, John 10:9, Exodus 29:19-21, Numbers 3:38, Nehemiah 3:29 & 31, Ezekiel 11:22-23, Luke 21:37, Leviticus 4:4-7, Isaiah 53:10, and Isaiah 54 & 55.

2) Strategy:

a. “So, what Isaiah’s saying is that we have sold ourselves for nothing, meaning the valuation that you really have you got robbed. You are valued at a hundred, you sold yourself for a penny and you thought it was a good deal. And what does that mean? You sold yourself for an accolade, what’s an accolade worth? You sold yourself for a good feeling, how long does a good feeling last?… Our trade of ourselves has been terrible… What are we valued at? What’s our valuation? If we were to trade ourselves for the whole earth, and all the contents, that would be a bad trade… He laid His life down for us, meaning our valuation is God Himself! If we were to put a value on us, it would be ‘Oh, I am of the value of God,’ ‘I am the exact same value of God’.Todd Edwards

b. “Also, relationships change with age and maturity. We need to also look at them (our parents) as children of YHWH who might be lost. Giving honor or respect or weight doesn’t mean that you agree with them, but are acknowledging that they are YHWH’s creation in His image.” Todd Edwards

About Todd Talks:

Todd Talks was developed from Todd Edward’s Bi-weekly Saturday Bible Study where he discusses the Biblical truth that supports Bride Ministries’ revelation and teaching on the Kingdom of God and operating in the spirit.

As we build up Biblical truth, you will grow in faith and increase your operations in the heavens, of which is our true citizenship. Some of the topics to be explored include priesthood, identity, holiness, His presence, whole person alignment, Biblical Israel, covenant, living, and more.

More from Todd:

Join us in epic journeys into the Word of God! Every other Saturday at 10 AM CST you can hang out with Todd Edwards and the BRIDE Tribe!

Sign-up for the Bi-weekly Saturday Bible Study

Also, be sure to stay tuned in for the next episode of Todd Talks with Todd Edwards every other Tuesday! You can also keep up with Todd by listening to his other podcasts:

The Christian Business Podcast: Kingdom Careers with Todd Edwards

Hidden Truths Surrounding the Birth of Jesus with Todd Edwards

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