Healing Prayer

Prayer Audio:


The Lord has promised healing through his son Jesus Christ. We believe that although the components behind the manifestation of God’s healing may be complex, healing belongs to the children of God.


     Lord God I come before you today to thank you that you love me. You invite me into your presence where there is fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11). I call upon you Jehovah-Rapha because you are my healer (Exodus 15:26). Jesus Christ nailed my sicknesses and diseases and pain to the cross two-thousand years ago and I declare that my physical body must line up with your eternal truth (Isaiah 53:5). Your word says that by the stripes of Jesus I was healed (1 Peter 2:24). The Bible says that He Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses (Matthew 8:17). Your word is health unto my flesh and strength to my bones (Proverbs 3:8). You have revealed that it is your will that I prosper and remain in health even as my soul prospers (3 John 2). You are the God who forgives all my iniquities and heals all my diseases (Psalms 103:3). You said in your word that the prayer of faith will save the sick and the Lord will raise him up, and if he has committed any sin it will be forgiven (James 5:15). Today I declare that Jesus is Lord over this body which is His temple. I speak to every cancer, virus, bacteria and other compromising enemy of my body and declare that you are now coming under the destructive and redemptive power of God. I speak to ___(name your specific physical ailments)___ and I declare that I am supernaturally recovering in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

36 thoughts on “Healing Prayer”

  1. To Dan Duval, can you please revise this so that we can use it to use the prayer for other people. I was getting confused because I wasn’t sure if I was able to change or if that is acceptable to change any of the specific words of the scriptures that you quote. I am trying to use this prayer to pray over a picture of a girl I saw on Facebook and I’m not sure how to tweak it so that I am praying for someone else and not myself. I would also ask that all your other prayers be tweaked in this way in case we want to stay them over other people and we can do that without destroying the specific scriptures that you quote in your prayers. That would be very helpful. I have started a Facebook page called Christ disciple by Pam Meyers and I am using this to put as much of your resources videos prayers website information on it as possible. I would really appreciate if you could make sure the prayers and I haven’t read them all can also be used for someone else. However they need to be tweaked to do that would be very much appreciated. God bless you and your family and thank you for everything you are doing

    1. Give Coordinator

      I am happy to hear that you are finding these resources helpful and are sharing them on facebook. In case you didn’t know there is a share button at the bottom to make it easier to share on facebook. These prayers are also great to use as templates. If you want to modify them for your own use, we encourage you to work with the Holy Spirit. These are tools and templates that Daniel puts up for general use. Unfortunately, Daniel does not revise these prayers for individual situation outside of sessions. Other people have found success modifying them by the leading of the Lord.

    2. I need prayer for 24/7 pain. I was in two different wrecks that have affected my back, brain and neck. My neck was fractured in three places, back has compression fractures and the brain is extremely swollen.

      1. Marcy Botsford

        Praying for you Lori! I can’t imagine the pain you’re going through😪🙏💛I’ve been having an issue with my neck since Jan & haven’t gotten a clear answer on what it is yet. Saw your comment & I had to reach out to see how you’re doing, your on my prayer list. Hope you’re doing much better in Jesus name. With lovingkindness, Marcy B

  2. It’s Pam again. Also what do you think about posting your prayers at least in another language like Spanish or whatever other languages you are led to post them in thank you I have noticed on my Facebook page I have quite a few Spanish speaking members and some other languages as well that I can’t remember at the moment thank you very much

    1. Give Coordinator

      Thank you Pam. It would be great to have this information in other languages. We encourage others to translate these if that would be helpful.

  3. This is the day the Lord, has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it, and thank You for healing me, Jesus. Blessings to this ministry!!!!!

  4. anita Louise
    Thank you Dan for powerful prayers, bless you richly.
    Please pray for me for bone issues, especially a trigger-thumb and pain in the joints of my fingers. Also for possible osteoarthritis, gout pain and similar bone diseases.

    1. Hello Anitalouse,

      We’re so happy to know that these prayers are a blessing to your life. I will add your prayer request to the prayer team queue. Be blessed!

  5. Anitalouise
    Thank you Dan for powerful prayers, bless you richly.
    Please pray for me for bone issues, especially a trigger-thumb and pain in the joints of my fingers.

  6. small correction: the part where it says… “remain in health even as my soul prospers.” is from 3 John 1:2. 🙂

  7. Thank you for this prayer. My son and I were exposed to Covid and started feeling symptoms. My son and I said this prayer together and after I felt totally energized. Today I feel great. I will pray this prayer each day until the window of time is over. Please keep my family in your prayers.

  8. Faith comes by hearing , and hearing by the Word of God. It blesses my spirit to read prayers that have promises of what God says He will do for His children . Thank you Daniel , for being a tremendous blessing to the body of Christ Jesus.~ DeborahAnn

  9. Thank you for these prayer templates.
    Where can I find the prayer for my spirit template and where can I find Dan Duval’s prayer books?
    God bless you

  10. Hello, I am extremely grateful to God for leading me to your site. I am from Bulgaria and I have been praying with your prayers for two days. They are amazing!! Hallelujah! I have already bought all three of Dan Duvall’s books. I want to ask what prayer to pray for my nephew who is dealing with schizophrenia. His friend got him into some satanic cult and since then he has not been well mentally. I am asking for your help and prayer support.

  11. Jonathan Aparicio

    Hello, I have just recently discovered Dan Duval from blurry creatures and have since started following him on YouTube and listening to Discovering Truth and I am beginning to be awakened to the reality of spiritual warfare. I am reaching out because my wife is in need of healing since she lost her sense of smell after she had covid in 2021. I know it’s not a major health issue, but this symptom has gone on for far too long and I know it is because of that satanic bio-engineered virus. She never received the vaccine. Is there any specific prayer or verse that would be effective in restoring her sense of smell that you could lead me to? Any type of assistance or suggestion would be immensely appreciated. Thank you.

    1. Greetings, Jonathan,

      Welcome to Bride Ministries! I have a couple of suggestions for you. First, we have two prayers for Covid: https://bridemovement.com/coronavirus-prayer/ and https://bridemovement.com/covid-19-agenda-prayer/

      Next, if those don’t take care of the symptoms, you could always connect with a coach. Here is the link to the Bride Ministries Coaches profiles: https://www.brideministriescoaching.com/

      Grace, Peace, and Yeshua’s Healing,
      Ann 🙂

    2. Marcy Botsford

      Hello my brother in Christ! I hope you see this message 🤗I had to leave you a reply to say that I am listening to Dan because of blurry creatures as well! I’m so thankful to the blurry bros for leading me here. Listening to all Dans teachings as well & watching him online on Sunday mornings. I wish I lived in Katy Tx lol, I’d love to see him in person 😎praying for you guys🙏💛

      1. Both to Marcy and Jonathan, welcome fellow blurry versers! I’ve been learning from Dan for six years now and actually found blurry creatures because of an interview Dan did. I’m glad you are both here! Blessings and honor to you both!
        I would like to say to Jonathan, aside from the Covid prayers on the bride site, muscle testing has been immensely helpful for me as I was experiencing the same symptoms as your wife for two years. Praying for both of you and your families and speaking healing and a return of all senses to your wife Jonathan! Never stop shining the kingdom first! Much love and blessings.

  12. It’s so amazing to see others on a similar journey! I also discovered Dan through Blurry Creatures a couple of years ago and have been totally immersed in his teaching and ministry from here in North Carolina.
    Then, through Dan’s platform, I learned about Dr Ron Horner’s ministry centered around the courts of Heaven, spiritual warfare, and ministry to the human spirit. As the Lord would have it turn out, several months later….I found out I live down the street from Dr Ron and have been personally learning from him since. The Father is so good. I also want to visit Bride Ministries in Katy with my family sometime.

  13. Thank You Jehovah Rapha for Healing Which is Children’s Bread … We Receive in the Name of Yeshua Hamashiach with his Blood … Hallelujah &Thank You & Amen & Done!!!
    Thanx for Adding the Scripture References!

  14. Hi I was wondering if Dan has a video on sickness? I was wondering if he has dealt with sickness caused by strongolds or family bloodlines? Are bloodline sicknesses like high blood pressure, arthiritus and cholesterol not also related to bloodline curses or demons in some way?
    What are Dan’s thoughts on this?
    Are there any reccommended resources for this?

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