The Kabbalah Tree has been articulated by Jewish mysticism. It contains what is believed to be the pattern for man, as well as for the design of the creation. Unfortunately, many people that have been through occult rituals based on Jewish mysticism or programmed by secret societies that lean on Kabbalah such as Freemasonry, have been programmed with the Kabbalah Tree. This means that they need to be set free and delivered from it. To make matters worse, we found that there is an interdimensional cosmic Kabbalistic tree of life that has its origin in the iniquity birthed in Lucifer. This was a massive breakthrough that took us over a year to figure out.
For anyone defecting from high levels of the occult world, they will need to be untethered from the cosmic Kabbalistic tree of life because as long as they are tangled with it, the enemy maintains a hidden back door to reinstate bondage, even as the person continues to pursue repentance, renunciation, and right living. On a traditional Kabbalistic tree, one will find 10 points, or sephirot. Da’at is known to be the hidden 11th point, but we have found that there are 13 points. We were not able to discover proper Hebrew names for them, but in the course of deliverance work, landed on the “occiput interface” and the “counterfeit New Jerusalem” with the help of the Holy Spirit. The fruit of this prayer will be extraordinary. Just be prepared that things may get intense.
- Father in heaven, I come before you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and I renounce my tethering to, overlaying and interfacing with, and all existence as _____________ and all portals that are _____________, including all related gates, paths, channels, counterfeit names of God, evil and counterfeit archangels, evil and counterfeit angelic orders, evil and counterfeit planetary forces, and evil and counterfeit living letters. I also renounce all interface points with my genetics, cells of every type, DNA strands, bone marrow, meridian lines, chakras, energy signatures, acupuncture points, anchors, and markers. I address all the powers of darkness associated with _____________, including all related oversouls and quantum technologies, and serve them a bill of divorce. I pull up the hidden documents detailing every covenant, contract, agreement, certificate, oath, and vow entangling me and include all related books of wisdom, books of knowledge, books of philosophy, books of time travel, Freemasonic books, programming books, computational books, Keys of Solomon, counterfeit Tables of Moses, genealogies of Cain, sacred texts of the Library of Alexandria and Vatican Library, and all other evil sacred books, and command that they be stamped with the blood of Jesus. I call for them to be nailed to the cross of Jesus Christ and burned with holy consuming fire.
- In the name of Jesus, I pray that your heavenly hosts would be put on assignment to discover and apprehend every part belonging to me that is loyal to, affiliated with, or in bondage to _____________.
- I pray that those parts would be escorted before the throne of the Father in heaven to be purged and completely healed and delivered.
- I pray that those parts would be escorted to the feet of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah to be purged and completely healed and delivered.
- I pray that those parts would be put to sleep.
- I pray that those parts would be fired and sent to wherever the Lord Jesus sends them.
- I now identify all territory in me occupied by _____________, including territory in my genetic code, markers, cells of every type, bone marrow, meridian lines, chakras, energy signatures, acupuncture points, DNA strands, and blood. I furthermore include all territory in my physical body (respiratory system, digestive system, cardiovascular system, renal system, endocrine system, nervous system, musculoskeletal system, exocrine system, glymphatic system, lymphatic system, immune system, sexual and reproductive system, and interstitia), all portions of my brain (prefrontal cortex, frontal lobe, temporal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, brain stem, corpus collosum, amygdala, hippocampus, HPA axis), soul, spirit, implants, heart, decisions, worship, business, destiny, stars, offices, temple, subatomic particles, ministry, and relationships. I deed the territory over to the kingdom of God and I invite you, Lord Jesus, to take the throne and to rule over this territory with your rod of iron.
- In the name of Jesus, I now bind all gatekeepers and discover each and every portal access point associated with _____________ and its interface points with my genetics, markers, cells of every type, meridian lines, chakras, energy signatures, acupuncture points, bone marrow, DNA strands, strongholds, blood, and all sentient intelligences, along with their agendas, connected realms, timelines, frequencies, vibrations, and all associated counterfeit inheritance.
- I place the blood of Jesus upon every portal access point in all timelines, every realm, age, frequency, vibration, and dimension, past, present, and future, to infinity, and from the beginning across eternity, including all alternate and counterfeit creations, and I seal them with the Holy Spirit. I declare that they are put to sleep and permanently deactivated from this point in time and out of time, forward and backward and in every direction, inside out, upside down, back and forth, reversed, inverted, and vortexed.
- I take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, and I cut myself free from all ungodly tethers to, interfaces and overlays with, and all existence as _____________ and all related satanic/Luciferian antiquities and iniquity. I also sever all paths, portals, frequencies, vibrations, gates, rivers, and light connecting my internal _____________ to any and all points in the cosmic Kabbalistic tree of life and its related or derived realms. I call for the immediate apprehension and punishment of all entities traversing these paths, portals, frequencies, vibrations, gates, rivers, and light. I call the work sealed off and cauterized by the blood of Jesus. I liberate my genetics, markers, cells of every type, bone marrow, meridian lines, energy signatures, acupuncture points, DNA strands, and blood. I deactivate my related chakra points. I sever all sentient intelligences, along with their agendas, related realms, timelines, and counterfeit inheritances, in Jesus’s name.
- I return every form of counterfeit inheritance associated with _____________, inclusive of promised wealth, reward, position, status, calling, ability, power, roots, pride, genetic code, anything lying dormant, ungodly structures, ungodly grafts, counterfeit citizenship, ungodly citizenship, and all associated rites of passage, and any other form of counterfeit inheritance, in Jesus’s name. I refuse it and sever myself from it, and from this point in time and out of time, forward and backward and in every direction, inside out, upside down, back and forth, reversed, inverted, and vortexed, I choose to receive my inheritance in Jesus Christ. I also declare your Word in Proverbs 13:22, which says that the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the just. I receive the wealth, freedom, giftings, and abilities held hostage by _____________ as a recipient of wealth transfer in Jesus’s name. Furthermore, my physical children, and children’s children, are an inheritance in Jesus Christ, and I receive them and their redemption in Jesus Christ, and renounce all of their debts to _____________. I renounce all spirit children and ungodly offspring related to _____________ and undo all quantum entanglements involved in their creation. I command their judgment and the purging of the spaces and realms they occupy (or interface with) by judgment through living water mingled with all-consuming fire.
- I renounce all ungodly paternal and maternal claims, sponsorships and affiliations, apprenticeships, royal appointments, marriage ceremonies, offices and council appointments, and oneness with all persons and entities associated with _____________. I pray for an annulling of all associated dedications, ceremonies, and celebrations. In doing so, I now declare reversal upon every ungodly pronouncement and judgment passed against my spirit, soul, and body, my household, offspring, finances, marriage, destiny, inheritances, mandates, stars, godly scrolls, and every other implicated component of my life, arche, and metron.
- I now receive a blood transfusion and new breath of life from Jesus Christ. In the process, I declare that all _____________ circuitry, nanotech, back doors, front doors, side doors, trapdoors, inner doors, outer doors, ancient of days doors, infinite doors, hidden doors, cords, insects, vampiric structures, reset devices, energy-draining devices, implants, wires, cables, chips, computers, chains, programs, backup programs, power sources, backup power sources, anomalous magnetic fields, gravitational manipulations, unified field, quantum regenerators, receptors, stardust, parallel timelines, counterfeit timelines, time warps, time dilation, time twisting, black holes, boxes, tesseracts, counterfeit galaxies, counterfeit constellations, counterfeit solar systems, counterfeit cosmoses, counterfeit universes, counterfeit heavens, counterfeit New Jerusalem, robots, embryos, parasites, pathogens, all artificial intelligences, all evil wave forms, fetuses, holograms, spiral staircases, amulets, clones, clocks, counterfeit temple elements (menorah, table of shew bread, ark of the covenant, mercy seat, bronze laver, altar of incense, molten sea, priestly garments, veils, Jachin and Boaz), data packets, ungodly grafts, and eggs are destroyed, and that all of their residue is purged with living water. I call back all of my DNA that was sold, traded, given away, or exchanged and housed in clones, machines, technologies, entities, banks, movies, and anything else illegitimately possessing it and call for it to be cleansed and healed with living water.
- I now take authority over every evil spirit on the inside of me and around me that has been operating due to _____________ and its interface points with my associated genetic code, markers, cells of every type, meridian lines, chakras, energy signatures, acupuncture points, DNA strands, bone marrow, assignments, and blood. I declare that you are discovered, apprehended, bound, pierced through, and thrust out of me for judgment. I also discover every part that is a composite of genetic components of me and others associated with _____________ and held together by a cord that binds. I declare that the cords are cut, that cords in cords are cut, and that all three-fold cords are cut, and that each part is separated into its components. All ungodly components, and components that are not of me, are now bound. I declare that all of them are now being sent to where the true Lord Jesus Christ sends them.
- I pray that every spiritual object, tattoo, device, label, jewel, amulet, necklace, earring, rock, crown, sacred ring, wedding dress, looking glass, bracelet, charm, clock, garment, scepter, marker, power source, tracking device, system, grid, flower of life, branding, satanic scroll, Illuminati scroll, New World Order scroll, and all matrixes associated with any and all evil sacred orders placed in or around every part of me in order to anchor me to _____________ would be consumed in the holy fire of Jesus Christ and totally dissolved, along with the infinite counterfeit crowns.
- I call for every algorithm or formula created from my DNA and genetic material that is projected throughout _____________ to be shut down in every age, realm, dimension, frequency, vibration, and timeline, past, present, and future, to infinity, including all counterfeit and alternate creations. I command the immediate apprehension of all hybrids and every cosmic artificial intelligence and technology behind those projections and call for viruses encoded with heavenly algorithms to be uploaded into them and their computers in order to destroy them in judgment. I curse their computers with a curse of non-existence.
- I identify every intergalactic and interplanetary data bank and computer that contains within its records or mainframe: data, equations, parts, algorithms, and information of any manner extracted from my humanity. I declare that angels are sent forth to liberate every part of me held captive in these data banks. I pray that all other records and information in them related to me would be forcefully erased and permanently deleted. I call for the lightning of God to destroy every ungodly altar (both sacrificial and honorary), as well as effigies contained within _____________ representing me or bearing my name, image, or likeness, or in me, representing _____________ and bearing its name, image, or likeness. I also call for the annulling and removal of every curse and ungodly insertion placed on the times and seasons of my life in synchronicity with _____________. I receive synchronization with what has been written about me in the books of the Most High God.
- Lastly, I surrender any and all counterfeit ephods (made up of a breastplate and power stones) to the True Lord Jesus Christ to be depowered and put in the place of his choosing. I pray that your lightning would now strike and sever any ungodly points of connectivity and demonic manipulation that remain between me and _____________. I stand in my authority as a witness to cosmic injustice and as a child of the Most High God. I call for desynchronization between _____________ and the genuine creation of God, galactic storms, and ley lines in the earth and throughout the cosmos. I call for desynchronization between _____________ and earth’s timelines, governments, nations, weather, financial systems, geosystems, human systems, and human domain. I call for an explosion of the light of Jesus Christ into the darkness of _____________. I render this entire confession established in every timeline, age, realm, dimension, frequency, vibration, tree, planet, cosmos, constellation, and universe, past, present, and future, to infinity, and from the beginning across eternity. Amen.
12 thoughts on “Freedom from the Kabbalah Tree”
What do we say in the blank spaces?
The name of Sephirot, but if you click on the recording of the prayer being read by Dan Duval he explains that you can either listen to him reading the prayer out loud while you listen and agree at each point of the prayer, or you can of course read the prayer out loud yourself by inserting “the name of Sephirot” in the blank space.
I have the same question. What goes in the spaces? Is it each individual point?
1st time I listened I just fell totally to sleep. Today I kept my daughter close to keep me awake, and I yawned all the way through.
I have been doing deliverance work with some prayer partners to clean out my system after spending years engaging in quite a variety of spiritual practices that were not of the Kingdom of God. I have been experiencing yawning as the most popular way / physical exhibit of spirits/ungodly “things” of all sorts leaving my system…
I had the same experience while doing this prayer- trying to speak it aloud along with the recording and needing to pause it at times because of the intense yawning!
(Still yawning as I’m writing this 🙂
I had lots of exposure to/integrationwith Kabbalah teachings without realizing it…so I am very grateful to have come upon these teachings and prayers of effectiveness!
Thank You God! Thank you Dan for venturing into the wild realms and following God’s guidance to do this work!!!
I was trying to pray aloud along with the recording and was having the same experience… had to hit pause at times to catch my breath! 🙂
(In previous deliverance sessions I’ve been in yawning seemed to be main physical exhibit of ungodly spirits/things making their way outta my system!) AND I’m still yawning as I am writing this! oh my
I’m very grateful Dan has submitted to following God’s guidance to develop these teachings & resources.. I didn’t realize the many spiritual practices and beliefs I adhered actually have roots with kabbalah teachings…
Thank You God for being faithful and gracious and loving…!!!
Thank you Dan for being obedient in the path God has called you to!
This tree of life symbol is what I believe they were using to “wake me up” or “activate” the programming. Tthe day I discovered this prayer my neighbor told me about this very prayer on this website. What are the odds? Thank you Bride ministries. I didn’t know I was going to have to do this work at this time in my life, but I am so grateful to have a TRIBE to work with. We are never alone. God Bless you!
Thank YOU LORD JESUS CHRIST for setting me free
Thank You LORD JESUS CHRIST for setting me free. Amen.
I could hardly stay awake to listen to the prayer. I was yawning 🥱 and yawning and now I’m just so tired I may have to lay down. Is this common ?
I Proclaim/Declare/Decree/Speak/Voice/Prophecy Total & Irrevocable Freedom the Kabbalah Tree & All Testicles Permanently, Now!!! In & By the Blood/Word/Name of Yeshua Hamashiach, Hallelujah & Thank You & Amen & Done!!!
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Ezekiel 6:6 King James Version
6 In all your dwellingplaces the cities shall be laid waste, and the high places shall be desolate; that your altars may be laid waste and made desolate, and your idols may be broken and cease, and your images may be cut down, and your works may be abolished.
Revelation 12:11 King James Version
11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
Also, to make this easier for people unfamiliar with your terminology, it would greatly help by identifying an (i.e. Type Example) for the blanks that require filling in. I was not sure how to fill in every blank. Thank You!