Joy and Reprogramming the Brain with Barb Bucklin

Prayer Audio:

Barb Bucklin, founder of Luke 4:18 Ministries in Austin, TX joins Dan Duval for a powerful conversation on the importance of joy. Joy is a subject that is overlooked in preaching, in Bible Schools and Seminaries, and in daily life for a majority of believers. Why? Barb breaks down the power and importance of joy in this program, explaining its role in development, in the reprogramming of the brain, and in general life. Joy is an inarguable theme found throughout the Scriptures. Isn’t time we got a better handle on it? Check out Luke 4:18 Ministries at

8 thoughts on “Joy and Reprogramming the Brain with Barb Bucklin”

  1. Hi!

    That was so good!

    Learnt a lot about the start of joy in one’s life… the early baby stuff! The Holy Spirit has consistently reminded me to speak joy verses from the Bible into my life , over a period of years, to live in victory.. through any traumatic situations. So this podcast was extremely informative about the roots of ‘good things’.

    I thank Bride Ministries and the amazing lady, Barb and of course, Dan, both whose voices reflect the ‘joy of the Lord’.


  2. We so need to hear about joy and peace. The Lord has been speaking to me on exactly this, just in the last month… and voila!! Dan comes with this precious message. Thankyou and God bless you Daniel.

  3. Merrie Shiparski

    This is so amazing!! Praise God because I know he wanted me to hear this conversation between Dan and Barb!!

  4. Merrie Shiparski

    This is so amazing!! Praise God because I know he wanted me to hear this conversation between Dan and Barb!! Thanks so much for the work you are doing and the Lord has been restoring my joy in recent months.

    1. Bride Movement

      Hi Stephanie,
      You’re very welcome! We pray that you will receive the joy of the Lord as well. šŸ™‚

  5. How can I reprogram my brain , are their particular prayers that would help
    I want to hear God s voice , I want to have this technology removed first and foremost I want to serve God I want to have understanding
    I want my lamp full

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