Esta oración contiene una combinación de oraciones que se encuentran en este sitio web y está diseñada para ayudar a sobrevivientes de abuso ritual satánico a cubrirse en protección. Padre, yo vengo delante de
Daniel Duval
Daniel Duval is the Executive Director of BRIDE Ministries and is also the Senior Pastor of the BRIDE Ministries Church. He is the author of eight books, including two #1 Amazon bestsellers about prayer. He is the host of the Discovering Truth with Dan Duval podcast, the creator of the BRIDE Ministries Institute, and the creator of the BRIDE Ministries School of Inner Healing and Deliverance. As an advocate for survivors of extreme trauma, it is his vision to build a world-class platform that caters to survivors of satanic ritual abuse and government sponsored mind control agendas, which includes free resources, a church, support groups, trained coaches, housing solutions, and more.
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Mientras oras por tu hogar, recomiendo que tomes aceite y unjas cada puerta y ventana en la casa. Mientras vas de cuarto en cuarto, declara la primera oración. Cuando termines, ora por toda la
Muchas personas están luchando por causa de estar siendo perseguidas y atacadas por demonios, humanos fuera del cuerpo vivos y muertos, y otras entidades que son difíciles de clasificar. En muchos casos, equipos enteros
Daniel Duval
Daniel Duval is the Executive Director of BRIDE Ministries and is also the Senior Pastor of the BRIDE Ministries Church. He is the author of eight books, including two #1 Amazon bestsellers about prayer. He is the host of the Discovering Truth with Dan Duval podcast, the creator of the BRIDE Ministries Institute, and the creator of the BRIDE Ministries School of Inner Healing and Deliverance. As an advocate for survivors of extreme trauma, it is his vision to build a world-class platform that caters to survivors of satanic ritual abuse and government sponsored mind control agendas, which includes free resources, a church, support groups, trained coaches, housing solutions, and more.