Pre-Adamic Victimization Prayer

Prayer Audio:

As a person takes a journey with their human spirit, they may find that their spirit was subject to various types of injustice in the pre-adamic age. It is common for injustice to lead to mindsets, attitudes, or actions of the spirit that will have ramifications even into this present age. This prayer resource will assist you in praying through pre-adamic and even pre-conception victimization of the human spirit.

Types of Injustice
Unfairly TargetedTaken HostageTaken as a prisoner
Taken to a reproduction centerTaken to a breeding planetTortured
Lied toRapedBetrayed
Stabbed in the heart by a friendStabbings, bindings, blasts, tying up of wings 
Unholy Outcomes
Made an ungodly vowPosition with YHWH God was destroyedSigned unholy documents
Performed an evil ritualMade a blood oathBirthed ungodly children
Sired ungodly childrenCursed YHWHWent into isolation
Fought against the armies of YHWHLeft the dagger in the heartNever healed

(Name)’s spirit. I bless you in the name of Jesus and I honor you in the name of Jesus. I am calling you forward, and I am calling you to the surface. I want you to tell me, are you able to be present?  

King Jesus, I declare that you are Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. You are High Priest according to the Order of Melchizedek. You are the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. You are the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, having the seven eyes which are the seven spirits of God. You are the perfect Bridegroom, the bright and Morning Star, and our Advocate with the Father. You stand at the door and knock, and to him who opens up to you, you will come in and you will sup with him. We open the door, and I thank you for being present with (name)’s spirit just beneath the surface. 

Today we acknowledge that (name)’s spirit was hurt and traumatized because he/she was (type of injustice) and because it led to (unholy outcome) and that this pain resonates even into present time, affecting (name)’s life in multiple ways. We acknowledge that (name)’s spirit has always been important to God, a priority to God, loved by God, desired by God, valued by God, and enjoyed by God, despite what happened, and that it is for this reason that Jesus Christ is the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. We acknowledge that the hurt and disappointment connected to what has been confessed has been a hindrance on the reception of the truth of God and the move of his strong arm in (name)’s life. We release forgiveness towards God and choose to understand that his perfection and righteous position relative to all things forced him to handle matters in a way that led to (name)’s pain and loss. We release forgiveness towards (name)’s spirit for deceptions, misguided deeds, absence of wisdom, strength, capacity, or foresight, and for any demonstration of cowardice, unethical actions, or foolishness leading to the hurt and pain that has been experienced. We also choose to forgive other spirits that were involved in (name)’s spirit’s pain through their own deceptions and misguided deeds, their cowardice, their weakness, their lack of foresight, and every other characteristic that led to (name)’s spirit’s pain. Finally, we repent on behalf of (name)’s spirit’s unholy actions that were made in response to injustice and we renounce those actions in the name of Jesus. 

We confess that (name)’s spirit may have been a victim of unjust circumstances, but we reject his/her identification as a victim. We now bind all evil spirits and technologies, including pre-Adamic technologies and weapons that have been at work in and around (name)’s life as a result of what came upon him/her. We call them pierced through and thrust out for judgment to wherever the Lord Jesus sends them, now! Upon the release of this forgiveness, we also speak timeline correction to pre-conception trauma and rebellion, as well as pre-conception deceptions and mistakes and imprisonments, and call for these events to be excised from the cosmic history of (name)’s essence in all of its expressions. We pray that these events would be replaced with godly events, and that this would produce shockwaves of disruption in evil agendas that have targeted (name)’s life and bloodline, and that have, through ungodly events involving (name)’s spirit, essence, and pre-conception soul substance, defiled the heavens, the earth, other planets, stars, Time, Infinity, or Eternity. We furthermore command the restoration of all implicated syphoned essence. 

[In the case of birthing of pre-adamic Nephilim: We repent to God, to the heavens, and to the earth for the deeds of (name)’s spirit’s children. We repent for the megalithic structures they built above and below ground and on other planets and moons, the creation of underground caverns and tunnels, and the formatting of the earth and other heavenly bodies for future Luciferian agendas. We also repent for the technologies that were developed. We repent for their involvement and legacy in Lemuria, Atlantis, Tartaria, Babylon, and Hollow Earth. We surrender all connections to these Nephilim and other ungodly children and surrender the children themselves. We renounce all oaths that (name)’s spirit made to ensure their protection, safety, or longevity. We ask you, King Jesus, for your judgment of these things, their undoing, and the redemption of heaven and earth.] 

I now identify the evil beings and fallen angels involved in (name)’s spirit’s injustice and appeal to the courts of heaven submitting all relevant testimonies of (name’s) injustice in combination with every item detailing the deceptions, usurpations, and conspiracies executed against other spirits in conjunction with (name)’s spirit according to the heavenly cosmic records. I pray that the evidence of injustice and criminal activities would be weighed on the scales of justice. Based on the injustice detailed by the evidence, I demand judgment. I call for a crushing blow against the implicated evil beings and fallen angels and all of their operations in all time, space, dimension, and reality, into light and its inverse, executed by the armies of heaven, chariots of fire, the broom of destruction, the tsunami of living water, earthquakes, air quakes, seaquakes, confusion, the axe of the Lord, and the fiery stream that proceeds forth from the throne of God, to collapse all of their realms, programs, computers, backup programs, bases, labs, craft, grids, power sources, and backup power sources to the fullest extent that the manifestation of (name’s) justice and the evidence submitted allows for as you administrate judgment in your righteousness, Lord God. 

In this I call for the river of living water from the throne of God to flow through (name)’s stars, mountains, arche, thrones, crowns, living stones, and tree of righteousness. King Jesus, I also thank you for reinstatement in the army of God of (name)’s spirit. I thank you, King Jesus, for the issuance of any new crowns, scepters, or garments of righteousness, that you have prepared for (name)’s spirit.  

I also call for the cleansing of (name)’s spirit’s pre-adamic post, and all holy posts that were assigned to (name)’s spirit prior to conception in the earth. I speak redemption to these posts in the name of Jesus Christ. Just as you prepared Jesus Christ as the last Adam in anticipation of Adam’s fall, Father God, I thank you, for Jesus being the redemption of all things that (name)’s spirit left unaccomplished in his/her godly posts throughout all ages prior to conception in this world.  

In this I speak a release of (name)’s spirit and essence from all secret shame connected to those things that have been addressed today by forgiveness and the finished work of Jesus Christ. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for your faithfulness, your justice, your goodness, and your atoning sacrifice. We seal this prayer everywhere YHWH is. Amen. 


13 thoughts on “Pre-Adamic Victimization Prayer”

  1. Wow!! So good! I felt lightning on my hands when I prayed this! Thank you so much Dan Duval for posting this prayer!!🔥🔥

  2. This prayer contains the unlocking of many resources in Christ, that our true Ancient of Days, gave us so long ago. This prayer is a long lost friend to me, and i imagine to so many others, that are feeling this Friend of blessings return home. Hallelujah, praise God for the wisdom, He in trusts to these Ministries at Bride. Blessings, Hope , protection to all you , and to all who pray this prayer, in Our Savior, the True Son Of God, the Lord Jesus Christ!

    1. Karen Marie Norman

      I’m remembering. Thank you for this prayer. How can I get a session with Dan or phone call please?
      Sincerely & Blessings🥰

  3. Found this today after going through a dream last night where I was show what happened to me. In the way I was captured and tortured. This prayer was deep for my spirit. It is still very difficult to process everything. I was involved in engineering essence into world \ cosmic trees. Used as fertilizer to grow and sustain them. Using mine and other captured spirit essence.

  4. Ifure Josiah Ibanga

    Thank you so much for this prayer. It has helped me to understand certain scriptures I was thinking that it will happen in the future and bring it into this time. This prayer has it effect on me from the word go. I’m so happy that you let us have this resources. God bless Dan duval and your family

  5. Christina Davis

    Thank you with all my heart .This is the perfect prayer and now I am Confident he is. The prayer has answered every one of my needs and is return me back to my most beloved Jesus thank you Dan and all of the wonderful people at brides ministry. May God bless you abundantly.

  6. Oh how i come to say thank you for These prayers!!!!. I Work at night when i came Home and prayed this prayer for my son and as I slept dreamt i was fighting a group of men WHO Had captured my son, one man told me that ITS my son who willingly came to make Agreement with them, woke Up asking God what that was very disappointed. My son came to my room few mins later showed me a new App and was writing Messages with AI that was introducing him to Gojo satoru.I talked to him about IT and prayed for him and still praying for him. WE deleted These Apps. What an amazing prayer. I want to cry for the Love of Jesus.

  7. I am shocked but thankful of the results of this prayer. I heard quantum entanglements are being undone. I now want to listen to the teaching.
    I am not yet able to wrap my head around this!! But my spirit is obviously aware and knows.

  8. Finally, that was what my spirit was saying while praying this powerful deliverance praying.
    I prayed many prayers and they all worked but there were still a final touch that my spirit was longing for and I finally found it through this prayer.
    What a freedom I feel right now. My spirit is really rejoicing.
    Thank you so so so much Lord.
    Thank you Dan Duval and the whole family of bride ministries for all that you are doing for helping the bride of Messiah.

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