Morning Prayer

Prayer Audio:

There is something very special about praying in the morning. Prayer works at every time of the day, but there is something very powerful about morning prayer. Prayers said in the morning have an ability to get the day started off in the right direction. When I pray properly in the morning, I notice that things work out more gracefully; that I have less warfare throughout the day, and that I can maintain my peace more easily. In my opinion, I donā€™t have enough time in my day to not pray in the morning. The prayer that follows is a super-powered morning prayer that will revolutionize your life. I recommend using it as part of your morning routine and tailoring it to your needs.


Father, I come before you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. You are great, and greatly to be praised! I come boldly before your throne of grace to find mercy and grace to help in time of need. In the morning, O LORD, you will hear my voice. In the morning, I will order my prayer to you and eagerly watch. I take this opportunity to put up smoke screens in the spirit that act as sight and sound barriers against interlopers, satanic agents, and evil spirits.

I decree that I am cleansed of all the filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of the Lord. I am washed by the blood of Jesus, which cleanses me of all unrighteousness. I am washed by the water of your Word.

I declare that every evil word that was spoken over me in my dreams, evil prayers, other realms where I was taken, or that were imported into me through technologies, are now being devoured by the locusts of God loosed to create crop failure.

I declare that all evil devices, chains of bondage, evil injections, imprisonments of my humanity, insertions and implants of every type physical, spiritual, and energetic that were established against me in my sleep, are now being consumed in the holy fire of Jesus Christ. I renounce and declare destruction upon all evil altars set up bearing my name or image in every timeline, age, realm, and dimension. I renounce and break the power of all sacrifices or rituals performed on these altars, declaring that they will have no impact on me or anyone else.

I repent for and renounce every act of agreement with evil agendas and assignments taking place during my sleep, including the reception of evil spirit food, counterfeit gifts, callings, mandates, judgments, technologies, counterfeit revelations, and assignments.

I declare that the blood of Jesus covers not only me, but my house, car(s), bank account(s), and everything under my stewardship, in Jesusā€™ name.

I declare that my body is blessed, my soul is blessed, and my spirit is blessed in Jesusā€™ name.

I call for the oil of anointing to be poured over every component of my person, anointing me for service, establishing my heart in joy, and awakening the strength of Jesus Christ in my members.

Angels, bless the Lord and praise his holy name! You excel in strength; you perform his Word and you hearken unto the voice of his Word. You are made ministering spirits to the heirs of salvation. As an heir of salvation, I speak that your ministry to me is the execution of your assignments.

Angels of finance, you are loosed to bring me what has been appointed to my storehouse. Establish me in the provision of the Lord and cause the abundant blessings of God to overtake me.

Angels of opportunity, you are loosed to find and secure opportunities, and to establish an environment of favor around me.

Angels of healing, you are loosed to ensure that attacks against my health are derailed. You are loosed to block the transmission of infectious diseases, to prevent food poisoning, to interrupt accidents that would cause harm to my body, and to heal issues in my flesh, soul, and spirit.

Angels of warfare, you are loosed to conquer the enemies of God that oppose me in my assignments, mandates, and callings. I declare that you conquer all time thieves in the name of Jesus. I identify the strongholds, strategic positions, war rooms, and laboratories of darkness that have been erected against my life and declare that the warhorses of heaven are loosed against them. I bombard the enemy with hailstones, coals of fire, tsunamis of living water, engines of war, instruments of war, and the armies of heaven. I declare the enemy is pummeled by the smoke from the nostrils of God, the hiss of the Lord that brings the bees and flies, the ravenous beasts, and light of his glory. I release the spear of the Lord, instruments of death, and the razor of the Lord by which the enemies of God are shamed. I cover the encampments of evil with clouds of confusion and smite evil realms pitted against me with plague and disaster in the name of Jesus.

I declare that the sun, moon, stars, and planets are created to praise the Lord. The earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. Therefore, I speak to every evil assignment invested into the sun, moon, stars, and planets by witches, warlocks, and the agents of darkness. I declare that they are now being excised by the sword of the Lord. I declare that these evil assignments are being replaced by the word of the Lord which says, Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Just as the stars fought in the courses against Sisera, I determine that the stars are now employed in exploits against the enemies of Jesus Christ and fight alongside the children of light to expand the influence of the government of God in the earth.

I declare that creation is reoriented at the outset of this day to serve the Lord and that cosmological powers are employed in the revelation of the glory of God, for it is written that the knowledge of the glory of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea.

I declare that the whirlwind of the Lord surrounds me and my associates. It draws unto us all resources that are expedient relative to our callings and mandates, and it destroys the snares of the enemy from before our face.

Lord Jesus, you are my shield, my buckler, and my rearguard. I take opportunity to assume the armor of God: the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, I put on the shoes of the preparation of the gospel of peace, I take up the shield of faith, the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, the garments of vengeance and the cloak of zeal. I will not be afraid of the terror by night, neither of the arrow that flies by day, neither of the pestilence that walks in darkness, neither of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.

I declare that the spirit of excellence rests upon me, and that those over me will seek to set me over entire realms. I declare that my realm is engaged in my assignments. I call it charged with the names of God; Jehovah-Jireh, Jehovah-Rapha, Jehovah-Shammah, Jehovah-Nissi, Jehovah-Tsidkenu, Jehovah-Makeddesh, Jehovah-Raā€™ah, Jehovah-Shalom, Jehovah-Gibbowr, Jehovah-Elohim, Jehovah-Sabbaoth, Jehovah-Issuwz, Jehovah-Hoseenu, El-Shaddai, El-Elyon, El-Olam, El-Roy, Yeshuah Ha Mashiach.

I cause my realm and life to come into interface with the seven Spirits of God; the Spirit of the Lord, the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, the Spirit of Counsel and Might, the Spirit of Knowledge, and the Fear of the Lord.

I declare that I behold with open face the glory of the Lord and am changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. I seal these declarations across every realm, age, timeline, and dimension, past, present, and future, to infinity. I call this day blessed, fruitful, and prosperous in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

120 thoughts on “Morning Prayer”

      1. Shabbat shalom!

        What a powerful call of protection over my day! Keep the time thieves at bay to help me access the glory of serving Your will for my life!

      2. God bless you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! So much Pastor Dan Duval. How I have longed for recorded version of this wonderful powerful prayer! God bless you abundantly!

    1. Fantastic! Thank you, this is my every day morning prayer, along with other prayers. God is working, and we are His!

    2. SheilaJane Schutters

      Thanks be to God our ABBA Father for the gift named Dan Duval,since praying this prayer my life has been blessed I am.refreshed in spirit daily. We woke up to our home being flooded by water @2am today ,the electric lead wire was in the water things couldve been so different but The Lord sustained us ,thanks Daniel for your life that’s been devoted to God and thanks to your amazing ministry to the body of Christ Jesus . We are blessed and empowered in praying these prayers .

  1. I start my day with this prayer and it makes a great difference in my day, infinite thanks to Dan Duval for this prayer and all the other ones because they have been a game changers in my life. Many blessings from our Lord and savior.

  2. Charmine (Chayil) Carpenter

    Grace&Peace…since praying this morning prayer there is a big difference in my day. My day just go better, I still have warfare… but my thoughts are clearer and Iā€™m not overtaken by the warfare. ????

  3. Thank you for posting. Absolutely wonderful prayer! Brilliant! I’m going to command my morning with this prayer from now on. God Bless You All ????

  4. Great and mighty powerful prayers! I have been saying the evening one for a week, I can now say I have been having a sound and peaceful sleep. Things have gone to another higher level in Jesus name. Thank you Daniel for these skilfully prayers! ????????

  5. Irmtraut Maibach

    This prayer helps me to get a “clear mind” and to connect with Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Especially when I charge my realm with the names of God I feel special peace and strength which I need very much at the moment because I have very strong spiritual warfare at the moment concerning my finances and my job situation. Thank you very much for this prayer. God bless you and your ministry!

  6. Thank you Daniel! I begin my day with the morning prayer and end with the evening prayer. Praise God, I am finally experiencing enough peace that I am beginning see who I am in Christ and that I have a destiny!

  7. Oh wow, just prayed this prayer in the morning and I feel so refreshed!!! This is powerful!!!! Bless you Dan & Christian! Thank you for your obedience to the call on your lives! This has truly blessed me!

    1. Thank you so much for this prayer. i am so blessed by it. God Bless you from Zion – Israel.
      Kiryat -Yam where i live now. by the sea. your prayers are so strong.

    1. Thank you very much for such a powerful prayer God bless you keep on the good work of preaching the Gospel to the world that was the desire of Christ Jesus.

    1. My husband and I prayed this today. He said when we said the spear of the Lord and the machines of war that he felt the enemy being cut off!!!! Praise the Lord!! Bless you ????

  8. Please tell me what the name Jehovah Issuwz means. I have tried to look it up but have been able to find it.

  9. This is such a thorough morning prayer, thank you for making it available!
    Can you tell me what evil spirit food is?
    Thanks so much!

  10. I used to believe scripted prayers were not authentic and basically ineffective. I am changing my mind about this and as I pray these prayers, I see my mind and position changing (aligning up with God) and the Holy Spirit is more free to move in my day.

    Thank you for sharing!

  11. Iā€™ve been praying this daily. I feel it changes my perspective.

    Dan, could you please put your audio with this one so I can do a better job pronouncing the names of God?

    Thanks so much for this resource!

  12. Thank you for including this prayer in the app! Itā€™s so convenient when I canā€™t just whip out my book for whatever reason. This prayer is just such a good start to my day! šŸ™‚

  13. Amen! I have the one on YouTube of you speaking this prayer. I play it in the car for my kids when i drive them to school.

  14. Iā€™ve wondered for many years: does it matter if a prayer like this is prayed out loud or just silently read and prayed in the heart. As some portions of these prayers are are declarations to the enemy and others to angels and some to the Lord, is it necessary to be heard aloud for these prayers to be fully effective?

    1. Hi Christy, the best results happen when you speak out the prayer. Sometimes the more you hear things verbally the more your heart & mind start to get reprogrammed of the truth in the prayers & scripture. Romans 10:9-10 is a great illustration of why we confess with our mouth. Blessings!

  15. Thanks for this prayer. I prayed it for the first time today, and I can feel the power of God flowing through it. It gives me new hope! God bless you abundantly!

  16. 011621 Morning revelation while praying this prayer:
    Bold=not hesitating to break rules of propriety.
    Hesitate=to wait to act because of fear

    Who is the boldest among us before they are taught to follow the rules, color within the lines, conform to the “normal” ways?

    Then He called a child to Him and had him stand among them. ā€œI assure you,ā€ He said, ā€œunless you are converted and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child ā€” this one is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one child like this in My name welcomes Me.
    Matthew 18:2ā€­-ā€¬5 HCSB

    So I bless all who, like myself, never knew what it was like to run into daddy’s arms of love to be free to do so today.

    There is no fear in love; instead, perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment. So the one who fears has not reached perfection in love. We love because He first loved us.
    1 John 4:18ā€­-ā€¬19 HCSB

  17. Thank You Daniel and Bride Ministry Team for making this resource available. I appreciate having access to this type of technology and the range of prayer devices you have in stock that can be deployed into our lives and work… for my own deliverance journey and to help others in theirs… thanks…..

  18. It’s 2 am and I woke up for prayer, and I happened to open my computer and ended up this morning praying this prayer. Praise God. Than you to all my brothers and sisters in Christ who have read this prayer.

  19. Thank you so much! Can you please record this in audio form. I found one on youtube but I see it has been removed. ā˜¹ļø Please bring it back! God bless you!

  20. Hi Dan, blessings be upon you, your beautiful wife, your baby, your ministering team, and your ministry. thank you for letting our Heavenly Father use you the way that He do, you have been a great blessing to so many of Father’s people and changed so many lives including my life. I love watching your shows and learning how to get delivered from my past childhood trauma that I didn’t know how to get out of and now I know how help others in my ministry and I myself can stay delivered as well. Thank you for all the prayers you wrote to help us. No I will not come to get what Father have bless you with for free, I will be a blessing to your ministry as I would want someone to be a blessing to my ministry as well. Thank you for writing the books ” The Prayer That Shakes Heaven And Earth” and the of these. I’m going to use those two in a prayer class that I’m teaching my Chaplains on prayer if you do not mind. I have A Chaplain Ministry and a Chaplain School. again I want to say thank you Dan very much for all that you do for that Kingdom Of Heaven. We are so bless to have you.
    PS: My student will be ordering their books very soon for the class we are having, I have already ordered mine.

  21. Valerie Sylvester

    Thank you for your morning prayer. I introduced it to my adult son and he declares it daily. I’ve been declaring it myself from Youtube but it was taken down a few weeks ago. Thank you again for your prayer.

  22. Elizabeth Contreras

    God bless you my brother in Jesus Christ, you have no idea how much help your prayers and teachings are, for some reason the morning and evening prayer have been removed from
    YouTube. I praise our Father for you. I would like to enroll in hit school, can you please send me the link to enroll?

    1. Hello Elizabeth,

      If you would like to access the BRIDE Ministries Institute, you can visit Or signup for the free class audits on our Church page, under “Events” at the bottom. Also, please remember this is a public site and to be careful about sharing personal contact details. Thank you!

  23. I know that this prayer his impacted my life greatly. I definitely experience the negative effects of not remembering to do the morning and evening prayers. When I know I am time crunching I will play the combo prayer and the evening prayers in the background. When I actually read them out loud myself and I am being mindful and intentional I definitely have greater results.
    Iā€™m not sure if this ministry is where I learned about how once a person initiated a genuine life of prayer the all of spirit realm becomes aware of your active. Over the years I had been running from who I was created to be and getting so worn out for spiritual warfare that I had forgot these things. Thank you folks for having the prayers for the most part in audio and written form. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt I will not stand a chance if I attempted to do life without these prayers and I personal relationship with our Lord. This ministry has blessed me and as I continue to grow in the Lord my prayer is that I will be able to return the favor and also bless others by all that I have learned.

  24. Tallinlane Tartus

    “I declare that the sun, moon, stars, and planets are created to praise the Lord.”

    That refers to the general question why is there so much praise in Heaven. Because you like what you get there. You like the quality that Spirit brings into your spirit. That is the normal reaction. As much as you get in touch with that on Earth, you like it much here too.

    Why is praise a real weapon in spirit? You concentrate on what you know about God and declare it. That’s where the angels are sent out. Now we come to the important part. The more you know about God, the more you can release it. But to obtain this knowledge can be fight.

  25. Hi, I am new to Bride Ministries and Dan Duval. I really like what I see and have printed off several prayers. However, I was wondering why, in this Morning Prayer, in Paragraph 2, it says “I am cleansed of all filthiness of the flesh and spirit?” I understand the filthiness of the flesh, but am wondering about “filthiness of the spirit?” Should this be “filthiness of the soul” instead? Thank you in advance for any insight. Blessings!

    1. Hi Kathy, we are glad you are enjoying the prayers. It refers to biblical language based on 2 Corinthians 7:1. Blessings!

  26. “I declare that my realm is engaged in my assignments. I call it charged with the names of God; Jehovah-Jireh, Jehovah-Rapha, Jehovah-Shammah, Jehovah-Nissi, Jehovah-Tsidkenu, Jehovah-Makeddesh, Jehovah-Raā€™ah, Jehovah-Shalom, Jehovah-Gibbowr, Jehovah-Elohim, Jehovah-Sabbaoth, Jehovah-Issuwz, Jehovah-Hoseenu, El-Shaddai, El-Elyon, El-Olam, El-Roy, Yeshuah Ha Mashiach.”

    Is it possible to get more info on this part and what exactly it means? Since I started praying this prayer sometimes I seem to just hear these names reverberate in my mind. Then today I prayed it in the Morning shortly before my day fell to pieces and I’ve been hearing all a lot of these names constantly throughout the day: Jehovah Issuwz, El Elyon, El Roy, Jehovah Makeddesh….over and over. Some of it is self explanatory I guess but I don’t know it means to have ‘my realm charged with the names of God’ and would like to understand it?

      1. Daniel, we desperately need a prayer for the children. They are being victims of Satan in new ways. We have to pray for them with the signs of the times in mind, because the times are here. We need a prayer against sexual immorality from early ages, and against idolatry. God has revealed these to be two great works of Satan during our times as leading to Satan’s NWO. One of his mottos is: “no more healing in Jesus Christ.” The other is “its the end of the world and everything is free.” Moreover, we need to pray for the children against electronics. All of our electronics are being used against us, and videogames, TV and movies, as well as social media, which has already been involved in government manipulation, but which is also being used for spiritual warfare. Even God is using it! I have felt the Spirit while watching a video post, and it wasn’t a mind game. However, Satan IS working hard against our minds through the internet, and I believe radio frequencies and broadband broadcasts are one of his tools right now. I have even had dreams where spirits of the dead are communicating with us by using our cellphones, meaning that the spiritual world is revealing to us differently now. Moreover, the Lord has shown me how the mark of the beast may already be in the world, and these are things we need to start fighting against NOW, WITHOUT DELAY, because many children are already being confused through a different belief system that has taken over the minds of people like a computer virus and actually acts like the internet and a computer in our changing our human constitution. It is leading to idolatry and there are certain politicians who are now in the world involved with it. I know this is not news to you, but I am telling you that this is spreading. It’s even taking over our eyes, giving false prophesy and sharing imagen that others can see through their eyes. It’s sharing information through voices. It is difficult to run away from these affectations, once they have your head. Countries like the US, Canada (apearse to be deeply involved), North Korea, China and Russia are involved, but even places like Puerto Rico and Greenland have become victims. Whether or not it’s V2k, I can’t say for certain, but it’s Satan. There are entities harsh against us, mainly the Bull, who appears as the behemoth to me, and who some people are confusing with a beneficial entity (the white Bull is how they see it). It tends to look Christian, and is fooling Christians, and it is giving a false prophetic sight, which is being used for the elections and for world domination–mass control. It’s like like in deep-state sleep. These things are tied to Donald Trump. The NWO is already here, trying to change people for worship of the beast, and I am telling you, it is strangers. But God is stronger and we ARE more. God has revealed these things to me during my victimization (gangstalking, ID theft –both spiritual and physical–SRA, and electronic harassment, plus what I believe is ELF). Please, our children need prayer greatly. “For their is the Kingdom of heaven.” We know it. Please, pray for this, for God to give us a prayer against it, specifically for the children.

        1. Be also wary that these earthly hybrids are already talking about books and they are saying that they can created them. They’re transforming people, and there is a thing called the “two minds,” which is uniting brains literally, so that two minds will think as one. God has revealed it to me as a two headed snake, even when I was being offered it as something from God. We’re here, people.

        2. Be also wary that these earthly hybrids (fallen angels in human form) are already talking about books, and they are saying that they can create them, too. They’re transforming people, and there is a thing called the “two minds,” which is uniting brains literally, so that two minds will think as one. Through SRA, they are even stealing bodies. God has revealed it to me as a two headed snake, even when I was being offered it as something from God. They are using love as a spiritual warfare mechanism. We are here, people. The next big war is upon us, but a battle in the spirit is taking place. Another entity that is in the world is the Dragon. Brazil can see it. Companies and businesses both in the spiritual world and physical world are already being manipulated and used by this entity. We are in an urgent time and the Church needs to get up out of the temple and walk. Prophets need to stand up and walk. We need to protest against LGBTQ and Idolatry and witchcraft. We need to tell the governments that OUR rights are not being heard, that these laws are a persecution of our own religious belief. Moreover, we need to start sharing the truth with others on the streets. There’s no time anymore.

  27. Please, a prayer for the children! This is very necessary today! The power of Hitler has returned. It is strong. It is in the governments. It is in the workplace. There is a whole network of it working along the East Coastā€”I am a victim, and childrenā€™s minds are being attacked. There are terrorists and spies infiltrating our Christian networks. We need to be discerning. We need a prayer against Molech, a prayer against spouse spirits, specifically, and a prayer against the many-eyes bull. I believe Donald Trump
    was a false prophet, along with Mike Pence. When I was running through the lists of entities in one of your prayers, his name came up as tied to the Behemoth. There are laws and persons who have brought a shift to the spiritual balance of this nation. We know Obama was one of them. God has already spoken to me about this. I have been confirmed that we need to start talking and walking differently. We need a prayer against Baal. We need a prayer against Shara. We need a prayer against the dragon and the bull, specifically. There is also a certain Cinderella whoā€™s looking to give out slippers. It has something to do with the spirit of lust. These entities are taking over the world currently. Theyā€™re tied up to satanism, voodoo, Wicca, the Buddha, spiritual and Santeria.

  28. Amen. Iā€™m flying with Holy Spirit and Jesus over all creation! Resting in restoration. Awaiting His return. Wonderful prayers, Daniel.ā¤ļø????????????????

  29. As Iā€™ve been praying this prayer, God has shown me that the ā€œspirit of compromiseā€ with evil Masonic forces of the past have had a stronghold and continue to in my family. By these prayers, Holy Spirit is breaking this bondage in me, in these people, my son and his family, my grandsons, my siblings and their children and grandchildren, in Jesus name! We continue to wage war on the forces of evil to set the captives free.
    Isaiah 49:22-26!!! Amen.

  30. Apostle Sam Martin III

    Such and absolute wonderful impactful word to turn hearts, Souls, Spirits and minds toward the Holy Spirit of Elohim! There is a Spiritual Charge in this declaration of power and life!

  31. I really wish u would record this one to!!
    Having it played i would play this out loud every day it is so helpful. Please record soon!!! Thank u!!

  32. Love this prayer šŸ™ I have been saying it every morning for about 3 weeks now and have seen an improvement on how my days progress.
    Makes me very sleepy though ā˜ŗļø I get to the stars, moon and planets and my eyes get really heavy.
    Thank you so much Bride Ministries for bringing Jesus back into my daily life. Blessings to all

    1. Fuck it. You heathens. You infidels. You know nothing of the bible and your God. Im not standing with you now. Im out to kill steal and destroy you as your adversary. Screw your world wide Gods. Tigers and zebra don’t pray or worship a god. Why should humans? None of you know anything about our universe but you claim to know everything. Im the fucking queen here. Fuck your prayers. The world has been around for thousands of years and will continue when you die. Your prayers are nullified prayers. They don’t do jack shit anyway except hype you up like monkeys ooo ooh aahing and jumping around one another in groups in mating dances while you beat your chests screaming about things that don’t exist. Your religions are stupidity at its finest. IM……OUT.

      1. Well may the Lord Bless you. I had to get destroyed and have God show up for me to learn. It’s my belief that some people love God and some do not. I Thank the Lord every day that he put that love in me. Its not for me to judge whether someone else having that love or not is a good thing or a bad thing. I just thank The lord that it’s in me as I said. I will say Nicole. Sometimes God takes over and tells me who is his. When he does that I feel his pain. It’s not pain like I’ve known. It’s pretty big. He really massively loves his people. So I left the gym one day and God did that. There was this homeless guy walking and “God said He’s mine”. This love overtook me I can’t explain it. I started crying. I looked and his shirt said “Never Give Up” so that happens and he keeps walking and the guy had a massive hole on the back of his shirt from sleeping on asphalt. That huge hole was in the shape of a giant heart. God is real. He loves HIS PEOPLE. There are children of the devil. They are here. If you are one of God’s people don’t let the devil snatch you up.

      2. Melissa Schubert

        Nicole – the fact that you are here reading them is significant and may you come to know the goodness and truth that is evident all around us. ā¤ļø

  33. Praise the Lord God Almighty mighty in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, for giving you guidance to put together this powerful prayer. I feel strenthened that this is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it.

  34. Juanita Sikanyika

    Amen! Thank you El Shaddai for ensuring that this prayer is known to us your people through your Servant/s. Much appreciated.

  35. I declare that every evil word that was spoken over me in my dreams, evil prayers, other realms where I was taken, or that were imported into me through technologies, are now being devoured by the locusts of God loosed to create crop failure.

    Is there a specific reason why you use ā€œwhere I wasā€ rather then ā€œwhere I might have beenā€? I feel like if I say ā€œwasā€ then Iā€™m speaking it into existence vs ā€œmight have beenā€ Iā€™m praying that if I ā€œwasā€ then this is my prayer.

    Thank you for your guidance and wisdom in this.

  36. Praise the Lord for His many blessings in my life, and God bless you Daniel for these prayers as I have been under demonic attack for over a year now. These prayers help protect me and keep the blessings that God has chosen to provide to me in my life.

  37. David and Leslie Klug

    I have both your books but when I travel I come to your website! I am so deeply delighted that you have gone before us in warfare! We are now better equipped to handle it! I have used your technology prayer more than once and it works so much better than most people expect!
    Bless you very much in Yeshua our Messiah Who loves us with an everlasting lavish love,

  38. Get all three books of prayers God has blessed Dan to help those no one else can help. Follow his instructions in the books and have faith in God. I advise everyone buy these books because they are for now and later some may not be dealing with this stuff but a lot are. It is arsenal. Get a copy for a family member. The youth will definitely need them. I am not affiliated with or never met Dan. But I was in torment and his prayers broke it. God bless TIs are real

  39. It all seemed so crazy to me. I mean I’ve been told all my life I’m a drama queen and I have an over active imagination. I said to my self ignore it, so I did and sleep would not come. Nightmares where constant, all my life. 3 days ago I prayed morning prayer and for the first time in so long I feel disconnected from it. It’s like I can breath. I have had no bad dreams since then. I have prayed a few other prayer the past few days and I feel lighter, happier. I found out about these prayer from blurry creatures recently posted an interview with Daniel Duvall. I still don’t know what this is all about but I’m here to heal and I feel better for the first time in so long I can’t even remember.

  40. Dan God bless you and your family you are a treasure for the Kingdom of The Father and the Ecclesia we pray for more books to come out which is a blessing and eye opening and equipping The Ecclesia stay blessed

    1. I believe in the first book, Prayers that Shake Heaven and Earth, there is the notes and correlating verses notated in the book, if you purchase a copy. ā˜ŗļø I gave mine away, so I canā€™t be positive, but I believe I remember it this way. Blessings to you Lisa.

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