Visit us at! This week on Discovering Truth with Dan Duval get ready for a deep dive into an exposure of the Rothschild Banking system. Who are the Rothschilds and where do they come from? Why do they claim to be Jewish? How far does their influence spread? What can be done about their agenda? To take things to the next level, Dan Duval will also spend some time breaking down realm thinking, and how prayer resources that engage this type of thinking have more power and capacity to get massive things shifted in short periods of time. The program concludes with a prayer for freedom from the Rothschild banking system realm and grids. This is a very fast-paced program you may need to listen to multiple times. Don’t miss it!
Prayer Audio:

Daniel Duval
Daniel Duval is the Executive Director of BRIDE Ministries and is also the Senior Pastor of the BRIDE Ministries Church. He is the author of eight books, including two #1 Amazon bestsellers about prayer. He is the host of the Discovering Truth with Dan Duval podcast, the creator of the BRIDE Ministries Institute, and the creator of the BRIDE Ministries School of Inner Healing and Deliverance. As an advocate for survivors of extreme trauma, it is his vision to build a world-class platform that caters to survivors of satanic ritual abuse and government sponsored mind control agendas, which includes free resources, a church, support groups, trained coaches, housing solutions, and more.
25 thoughts on “How to Punish the Rothschild Banking System”
The heaviness and weightiness of the Lord on me was so strong as I agreed with you for the prayer to be free of the system. Thank you.
The presence of the Lord fell upon me as I received the prayer.
Bless you Daniel, in Jesus Name
I could not find the prayer in the Kindle Book.
Bless you, brother!
This prayer will be in the NEW book, Advanced Prayers that Shake Heaven and Earth.
Thank you for this eye-opening revolutionary prayer!!!
YHVH bless you richly and abundantly for ypur obedience and faithfulness serving HIM and fellow brothers with excellent prayer and teachings and sharings!
Orginalesther from Korea
Thank you Esther! We’re so glad that you liked the prayer! 🙂
Thank you!
May YHVH Elohim bless you richly!
So once we have agreed to be freed from this system, (I have listened/ prayed it three times now), how do we proceed to stay free? If we are working for pay from/ through the system how do we not become re-entangled in it?
for a path to living in the private under Mosaic Law.
I believe this is an answer to my prayer request. I wept throughout and at one point coughing till I felt cords or strings being pulled from the tips of my fingers and toes out of my body through the base of my neck. My body felt like a rag doll afterwards . Praise The Lord God for what he is doing .Looking forward to the release of this system in our lives, and being able to owe no one but to love them.Thank you for your obedience to the Lord Daniel .God Bless y’all at BRIDE Ministries .
Wow! We’re so glad that the prayer worked so well for you! 🙂
X22report talks about this daily except on Saturdays
Excellent biblical teaching, insight and historical facts explained here. Thanks again Daniel! What an intensive, all inclusive prayer; “Yes, I agree!”
Thanks for enjoying the podcast Kandice! 🙂
I agreed with the prayer in the podcast. I felt nothing just yawned and coughed a lot as the prayer went on. This morning I woke up and went to look in my wallet for something else and found money in there which I know wasn’t there before. I’m Actually still stunned. Asked my family if they put it in there and all of them said they hadn’t. I’m also not in the country where that currency comes from but am scheduled to head there soon. This has never happened to me before. Is that normal?
Praise God! That’s wonderful! 🙂
Wowzers, I never knew there was a “thought realm” but it makes a lot of sense. Thank you, Dan!
And thank you for the prayer. I believe it and I receive it, in Jesus name
You’re very welcome Clara! 🙂
Thank you. I am only a little past the tip of the iceberg..but I’m open, I appreciate all you are doing, and I am excited to have found this podcast.
I had asked for a sign during the prayer if this was the rightaction.
After the prayer one of my child’s toys went off and said “You did it”. I am assuming it is one of my guides being playful with me. Thank you!
I need to listen again and pray for more understanding of the prayer but what I did get from the teaching was a different perspective on how to establish jurisdiction in Yahuwah’s realm. Thank you for your faithfulness to His Kingdom and His Word.
thank you. I “stumbled” upon your teaching. I really didn’t understand all that you were saying, but it felt true to me. I agreed with your prayer and repented of how I have not been as generous as I ought. I would like to be free and not be worried all the time about finances. I will let you know what fruit comes of it all.
The Lord has been very faithful in His leading regarding setting me free from this particular realm system. Each step has birthed a supernatural release sealed with such peace. I feel strongly that my prayer life has changed, more or a different authority given just as Jesus took the disciples’ hands and brought them too through this deliverance process over a period of 3 years. I feel bathed in truth… Thank You.
Thank you for this wonderful information and prayer. I agreed with all of it. I’m wondering if anyone wants to comment on their life experiences of the results & consequences of agreeing to this prayer?