Father in heaven, I come before you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and I renounce fear of the coronavirus and all connected evil agendas and serve them a bill of divorce. I pull up the hidden documents detailing every covenant, contract, certificate, oath, and vow entangling us and command that they be stamped with the blood of Jesus.
In the name of Jesus, I pray that your heavenly hosts would be put on assignment to place every part belonging to me that is loyal to fear of the coronavirus and all connected evil agendas on temporary lock-down. I pray that those parts would be escorted to the feet of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah to be purged of their fear of the coronavirus and all connected evil agendas and completely healed and delivered.
I now deed all territory in me occupied by fear of the coronavirus and all connected evil agendas over to the kingdom of God and I invite you, Lord Jesus, to take the throne and to rule over this territory with your rod of iron.
In the name of Jesus, I now bind all gatekeepers, and discover each and every portal access point belonging to fear of the coronavirus and all connected evil agendas, related realms, and ungodly inheritance.
I place the blood of Jesus upon every portal access point and I seal them with the Holy Spirit. I declare that they are put to sleep and permanently deactivated.
I take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, and I cut myself free from fear of the coronavirus and all connected evil agendas, related realms, and ungodly inheritance, in Jesus’ name.
I return every form of counterfeit inheritance, inclusive of commands, prompts, position, status, calling, ability, roots, power, genetic code, seed, and any other form of counterfeit inheritance, in Jesus’ name. I refuse it and sever myself from it, and I choose to receive my inheritance in Jesus Christ. I renounce all spirit children, synthetic children, electrical children, and ungodly offspring, related to fear of the coronavirus and all connected evil agendas and undo all quantum entanglements involved in their creation. I command their judgment and the purging of the realms they occupy by judgment through living water. I also reclaim and receive every part of me that has been imprisoned by fear of the coronavirus and all connected evil agendas or in related realms.
I now take authority over every evil spirit on the inside of me and around me that has been operating under the authority of fear of the coronavirus and all connected evil agendas. I declare that you are discovered, apprehended, bound, pierced through, and thrust out of me for judgment. I declare that you are being sent to the abyss for failed assignment.
I pray that every spiritual object, tattoo, device, label, jewel, amulet, necklace, earring, crown, ring, bracelet, charm, garment, scepter, marker, power source, tracking device, system, smart dust, grid, or branding placed in or around every part of me in order to anchor in fear of the coronavirus and all connected agendas would be consumed in the holy fire of Jesus Christ and totally dissolved. I close every door known and unknown, seen and unseen, and call them completely sealed in Jesus’ name.
I now appeal to the courts of heaven on behalf of myself, my parts, my family lines, bloodlines, cell lines, and all those that I represent and submit all relevant testimonies of injustice in combination with every item detailing the crimes of the coronavirus and those manipulating the world through it in the heavenly cosmic records. I pray that the evidence of injustice and criminal activities would be weighed on the scales of justice. Based on the injustice detailed by the evidence I demand judgment. I call for a crushing blow against the coronavirus and those manipulating the world through it and all of their operations in all time, space, dimension, and reality, into light and its inverse, executed by the armies of heaven, chariots of fire, the broom of destruction, the tsunami of living water, earth quakes, air quakes, sea quakes, confusion, the axe of the Lord, and the fiery stream that proceeds forth from the throne of God, to collapse all of their realms, programs, backup programs, power sources, and backup power sources to the fullest extent that the manifestation of my justice and the evidence submitted allows for as you administrate judgment in your righteousness Lord God. We command exposure, implosion, infighting, sloppiness, and dysfunction into the kingdom of darkness from the lowest to the highest levels now in the name of Jesus.
Father, I thank you that you move to cleanse the ley lines implicated in the fear of the coronavirus and all connected agendas from the evil that has moved through them. I declare that ley lines are being purged by the river of your living water mixed with oil of anointing and the blood of Jesus. I call this water laced with the razor of the Lord and the dagger of the Lord so that evil people, evil systems, evil councils, and evil entities are simultaneously cut loose from the ley lines as a viable power source. I pray that angels would be given assignments to continuously worship the Lord of hosts in strategic places across the creation that will cause the ley lines to be powered up with your glory. We pray that your appointed individuals, elect angels, and your heavenly structures and strongholds would begin to be plugged into the ley lines being addressed as they become sufficiently cleansed from all defilement.
Finally, I seal this prayer in all infinities of infinities and beyond, eternities of eternities and beyond, and time wheels that exist, once existed, and could or could not exist, and everything in between. Amen.
74 thoughts on “Coronavirus Prayer”
Thank you so much for taking the time to put this prayer together and then making it available>
God bless you and all your team!
Agree…I keep going back and forth do we get the shot, do we not….I feel this prayer has helped me to make the final decision that I put my trust in the Blood of Jesus and I will be safe. Thank you so much!
Amen! No jab for me either!!!
Thank you Daniel.
Dan thank you so much for the Coronavirus prayer. Sent it to my children!
I believe it and I received it, in Jesus name amen! Thank you brother Dan. Blessings to you and your family.
Thank you Daniel ! ????
Amen and Thank you
Amen! Thank you such for this prayer.
Thank you!! And may the Lord continue to bless you!!
Thanks Daniel.Very powerful
Great prayer, agreeing with this prayer!
Thank you, Daniel
To God be the glory! Amen.
Thank you!!!!!! So awesome!! Sharing!! God bless you and your ministry!!
Wow! In agreement praying also. Didn’t know about most of this. Still learning. Thank you Daniel!
This was powerful!
Thank you so much for this prayer. I am so thankful to the Lord for you and your obedience. Thank you for sharing your experience and knowledge. I thank God for leading me to you.
Thank you Dan
Yo Dan you and you’re team are lit! Thank you Jesus!
Thank you for the release of yet another powerful prayer! This will do damage to the kingdom of darkness! Although I personally am not experiencing fear, I felt an atmosphere shift when I prayed.
Hi Dan
Australia: We have a National cross denominational prayer call starting Thu 19th (tomorrow) going through 29th at 19.00hours each day.
Sunday 29th has been called as a National Day of Prayer here in Australia.
There is also an online national zoom call.
** COVID19 National call – Zoom Prayer (online)
— Continuing Prayer call for the Nation, Canberra Declaration, NDoPF etc.
— Starting this Thursday 19th (8.00pm Sydney/Melbourne, Adelaide 7.30pm, Brisbane 7.00pm, Perth 5.00pm), continuing nightly through 29th
Meeting ID: 776-881-184
Link: https://zoom.us/j/776881184
This is awesome!! Thank you!!!
Thanks Daniel!!!
Thank you.
Excellent prayer.
I copied this prayer to my Facebook page and many will not pray it. it’s because there are too many foreign things that they don’t understand. It Grieves me that the spirit man is in competition with the soul and the soul is winning in America. It Grieves me that the pastor’s in America do not realize that they are ministering to the spirit man. The spirit in the body of Christ is afraid to come out from behind the soul.
Awesome! I just prayed it out loud! Thank you so much Daniel!
Thank you so much for doing this prayer. I was asking the Lord to move your heart to put out such a prayer. At some point it would be interesting to hear your perspective on what’s happening. There are so many different opinions in the Christian world it can be quite confusing. And thank you very much.
Our ministry team began praying this prayer as soon as we knew it was available and the testimonies have been coming forth. This verbiage and courtroom language increased their confidence and eliminated fear that they were not conscience was within. The manifest sons of God are arising!
WOW POWERFUL! Explodes that fear realm ????????????Thank you Daniel !!!
Prayed out loud in agreement from Anchorage, Alaska. Amen and amen, King Jesus!
First of all, thank you for this prayer – wow!
Could you please teach on it one day?
I remember you going over ither prayers and explaining them and why you have put them the way you did in the past.
I would highly appriciate you doing that with this one, too!
Thanks a lit and God keep blessing and protecting you and giving you the insight to bless others with, too!
Greetings from friends from Germany!
This prayer has blessed me immensely! I am so overwhelmed at what an awesome God we serve!
Praying this out loud for all of my family, the province of Manitoba, and the rest of Canada and US!
Hallelujah to Christ Jesus! King of kings and Lord of Lords!
Thank you for this Prayer Daniel Duval! God Blessed you so much! ????????????????????
Thank you Daniel ????????
OMG! I am going to need a lesson on this one! Powerful wording in desperate times. Blessings and safety to you, your family and the ministry. I CANNOT wait for you to break this one apart. I felt the anointing on this prayer. Amen!
Wow! This is an amazingly thorough prayer. Way to kick out that fear! Praise God!!! Thanks, Dan!
Glory to God for this prayer and you Daniel. I just found this prayer. I looked the other day and it wasn’t here. Anyway I knew you were gonna hit it out of the cosmos! I was going back through the prayer ‘Deliverance from evil timelines”(in the book)and just listened to you on YouTube delivering this power prayer. The Holy Spirit has been pressing me to go deeper because of a family member who was used in this program as a child. What the enemy intended for evil, God will use for good. Thank you for this prayer and for this AP. Love it and love you.
Thank you Lord
Fire! Thank you so much!
From Rwanda : Thank you very much Daniel I’m blessed and encouraged and you opened my eyes in a wider and deeper way. Thanks brother
Yes amen !!!
Thank you Daniel. Powerful.
I’m declaring that this prayer covers my whole county and beyond 100 miles from the north, south, east and west. Gotta be territorial, ya know.
Thanks, Daniel. I like that this goes to the root unlike the skin deep prayers out there.
I have been listening to videos that say the 5G is at the root of what has triggered of all this COVID-19 pandemic / panic . Does this prayer covers that side as well?
No, not really. Daniel is still working on a 5G prayer.
thanks , looking forward to it.
Thank you Daniel.
Much needed, much appreciated Mr Dan Duval ????
Prayed this on behalf of all the prisons in my nation.
Awesome ,AMEN,God bless you Dan. and your family
Powerful. Thank you Daniel
Awesome! Thank You so much! AMEN!
Absolutely beautiful and powerful.
Thank you Daniel. I thought back to the dream I received. Though the interpretation was clear I had still checked with my sister Nancy. Holy Spirit confirmed with her about the ‘whale like creature I called a beast and a smaller one. These represented the antichrist and the false prophet. The larger creature had a back bone that when I thought about it this time the large backbone was just below the surface of the water now it seems almost or at the surface. The four men they had pushed up against a wall being mankind. I recalled how as I looked down from high above, I felt no threat and was actually in amazment to see the beasts. I dropped something down into the water, as though to disturb the beasts. But whatever it was I cast down was far too small. Now I believe it was the prayers of the saints. To divide the large backbone which is the power of unity giving power to the beast. I have sent your video on spiritual warfare and I hope my friends will rally in unity against the powers.
Thank you for this prayer. Am I correct in thinking that one time praying is good for the duration of the pandemic or is it a daily prayer? Thank you for answering!
Hi Helen, for more results I recommend doing this prayer as often as you feel lead to, especially to come against fear or anxiety.
This is one powerful prayer! It brought the Lord right down in my living room to explain why He hasn;t seen me for 49 years since my Satanic crucifiction somewhere out in some Illinois cornfield area mental hospital (Sept., 1971,) He was so angry that I could not look at Him! He is tired of picking up martyred 19 year olds (like Joan of arc, the first victim of the Inquisition!, for whom I am named, and picked up my remains off a cross in some hole in a mental hole, after being drugged with some LSD cocktail, raped constantly, beat up, slit up, shot up, and nailed to a cross until dead! He cried because I looked like His twin sister, and reflected His very image, and He was so hurt that it was as though He was crucified over again, after seeing Judas Iscariot previous to my demise! Covid 19!! He would rather award the world to two French girls who gave Him a revival giving it all for Him than anyone else. My home only is protected and you, Daniel, and He says we can save any Jew, Jesuit, Illuminati, Japanese, German,…etc. My CCC was so bad, it made His crucifiction look great!!(Joan burned, I was Crucified, severe cancer ridden, and Covid hospitalized, and the shut down “mental” hospital needs to answer before He burns down the city! I’ve prayed for ex-vampire, Jesuits former Roman Catholic Priests, Hitler is now a Roman Catholic priest, Uncle Al Capone was saved in prison with a Baptist preacher, as I heard as I sat in my Capone family niece’s (beautiful, and passed gracefully at age 96.) kitchen. I prayed for my ex-Jesuit Irish Roman Catholic who prayed for JFK, and emptied hospitals, passed out Chick tracts and booklets concerning the revivalist ex- Jesuit Alberto Rivera of Spain, who was murdered by Vatican Hit squad for causing too many revivals from late 50’s for which I was fired from my best office job. The man doing the hit was interviewed by Rivera’s wife after being saved! The real 007 came to me in the 1990’s and gave me intelligence worldwide including JFK AND ROTHSCHILDS. He was totally burned out after being Jim Jones’ Bodyguard, and thought I was the only person on earth who could get him saved. He along with his Hassidic Jewish friend had uncles who died in concentration camps, and the Jewish man was dealing with a pedofile who was after his 14 year old daughter living with his former wife! (Brought them to friends and Pentecostal small town church, along with LGBT’s among others to help them get saved. Along with some rock bands, Queen Elizabeth, whom I sent “Mere Christianity’ to Charles and Diana as wedding gift. I believe we are trying to save the KJV Bible, and the Reformation. All of the letters from the Queen went missing after our house fire. I have been burned out of every house and church where I have been! Satan broke in my apartment after I lost my twin first born sons, and I watched him break everything and trash everything! He threatened to take my King James Bibles etc. and me and burn me on my front lawn! I went to the same Mental Hospital, where this 007 (1976), were raped by an ‘experiment, and he has my 20 year old retarded beautiful daughter. He spoke with my Pentecostal French Indian husband, and we visited our child, and 007 thought my husband was great, and left. Soon Joan of Arc’s great, great….grand niece showed up at my child’s home and asked about her aunt Joan (for whom I was named.) She also loves our child. You cannot make this up. Jesus is only happy with my family and friends.(The White House is set after my Dad, Donald , in the construction business, whom Jesus took home after his vote with the regular flu. Jesus is now my Father. He said, Daughter, many daughters have done excellently, but thou excellest them all! You have made my crucifiction look so great, that when I found you, I wept because there was so little left to find to raise! Satan is asking if he should reconsider Job? We are so overzealous, Pastor Dan! Only you could get this memory out! I have been walking around for 49 years with no clue! Somebody is hiding some things very evil, worse than JERUSAlEM, Israel! There are some evil bloodline crossers. The evil men, not the devil! How do you deal with a resurrected child of God? That place is closed. He said that since my 3/6/66,(1966 )commitment for lifetime Scripture of I Cor. 13, a large group of pure light came rushing in my Grandma’s living room, and my heart burst open on the spot, and He had to bring me back! I was 14 and He bought back 1966, the year and wrote the number one song for me, ‘Cherish.’ By 6/6/66, the devil made RoseMary’s Baby look like nothing, and everything from the Pit was crawling all over me, and every demon and fallen angel was made to fall over me into the pit, as should, and every rapist has been pulled off me by prayer warriors and family members. Soon the end was called off, and my best girlfriend and I broke out a fight over Him! He was so amazed, that He cancelled the end. He took both of us, and we think alike, and though so jealous over Him, we are all in love with each other, and made our own Trinity. Jesus, me and her! Hope you get this.
Thank you for the prayer, as a front line worker and mighty woman of God. I have complete faith in our Lord Jesus Christ that I will not get COVID19. I am not afraid but I started getting sick and a sister in Christ And friend sent me this prayer. I Rebuke COVID19 in the name of Jesus Christ.May God Bless you in your ministry.
Thank you Dan for this powerful prayer. Can I ask a question here? I will probably be required to receive the vaccine to continue working in my job. Some Christians online are saying we should not receive it as it will change our DNA and we will loose our salvation as we will no longer be fully human. Are you able to comment on this here? I’m in Ireland. I don’t know any Christians here who question the “FRO”.
Many thanks and God bless you all.
Is there a prayer for the vaccine if someone has been Covid vaccine injured
Hi Wendy,
There is no prayer against the vaccine currently.
COVID is mostly fear based and I appreciate that Dan addresses this in the prayer. I personally don’t suffer from fear of coronavirus but I see the spirit of fear in almost everyone I know. I might use this to pray for others. Thanks Dan.
Thank you. I am wondering if you have a prayer for those who have taken the vaccine since so many loved ones are receiving it like lambs to the slaughter.
With regards to this Corona V prayer- Im new here at Bride- will there be any backlashes if I pray this prayer- I thought about it after a few times praying this and i dont want any backlash- particularly when the prayer includes the court of heaven…can i say something like, as much as I am legally able to and within my jurisdiction?
First thank you for this prayer. Second, would you make one for Morgellons?
Thank you for this prayer, IV put it on a voice note,
And sending to family and friends, who has been infected.
We no that God is using this pray to break down the
Power of darkness in Jesus name amen
Powerful prayer, thank you very much for what the Lord have you doing for the Kingdom. Many blessing to you and your ministry.
Thank you very much Pastor Daniel for this prayer, the Heavenly Father let me know that some of us His children are being mind control by the power of fear with this spirit without knowing it, thinking that some kind of way that they would get it, they are not trusting the Heavenly Father to do what He said He would for them. that made me very sad. I could not help but think that I was apart of that group as well because He dropped it into my spirit doing my early morning prayer time. I apologized to Him for feeling that way because that told me I really did not trust Him myself. On the same day He dropped it into my spirit, is the same day I saw your prayer so I know it was for me. Thank you so very much for everything you do in the Kingdom of our Heavenly Father, blessings be upon you, your beautiful wife, baby, and your whole team. please keep helping the body of the Messiah here on earth.
Amen! Thank you for this prayer. I am in agreement.
Thank you for these powerful prayers!!!