Cleansing the Home Prayer

Prayer Audio:


As you pray over your home I recommend taking oil and anointing every doorway and window throughout the house. As you go from room to room say the following say the first prayer. When finished pray for the whole house in a central area or outside (or both) with the second prayer. You will also want to remove all occult objects that you are aware of from your property if you truly desire to live in a sanctified home.


Room by Room Prayer


               Lord you said in your word that he that dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty (Psalm 91:1). I declare that this room is spiritually transitioned into your secret place and now abides under your shadow. I repent on behalf of every sin committed in this house including but not limited to fornication, idolatry, adultery, homosexuality, theft, coveting, drunkenness, revelry, and extortion (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). I declare that this property is now being transitioned under the jurisdiction of the kingdom of God and will from hence forth receive the blessings thereof. There shall no evil befall me neither shall any plague come near this dwelling (Psalm 91:10). I plead the blood of Jesus over this home and every person that presently resides in it because we overcame the devil by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony (Revelation 12:11). I now speak to every spirit that has taken up habitation in this dwelling place and I take authority over you according to my authority in Jesus Christ. I cast you out, and command you to go to where the Lord Jesus sends you.


Speak this Over the Entire Home


To every evil spirit that has held influence over this home, I serve you an eviction notice and I divorce you from this property now in the mighty name of Jesus. If there are any hidden objects providing rights anywhere in this house or on this property I declare that they are immediately exposed, that they are absolved of their demonic power and that all rights are cancelled in the name of Jesus. I speak over my home and declare that it is a habitation of righteousness, and a dwelling place for the presence of God (Exodus 15:2). I close off former satanic access points and I decree that every portal and window of access to the demonic realm is now being shut and sealed in the name of Jesus. I declare that the Lord will now be a wall of fire round about this home (Zechariah 2:5). Thank you Lord that this home is now being surrounded by angels above and below and against every dimensional access point in the name of Jesus. Lord I thank you for delivering my house and property from the curse, for it is written that Jesus became a curse for us (Galatians 3:13), and I thank you for filling this home with your glorious presence. Amen.

47 thoughts on “Cleansing the Home Prayer”

    1. As i understand it these items need to be removed and burned in fire. Repentance for ancestors participation as well. Breaking off of generational curses.

    2. Take the oil and declare them NULL AND VOID and also remember to break every demonic hold it has and ask God to restore whatever damage it caused

  1. brideministries

    Most oils which have been blessed could work. Many believers use olive oil that they pray over.

    1. Hello. Is there a particular prayer you pray over the oil? If so can you give an example. When put the oil on the doorways and windows of the room(s) do you do it as the sign of the cross. Thank you.

      1. I get olive oil, and bless it. I declare it as holy set apart for the lords use. Iso the shape of a cross

  2. Thank you Daniel for your time and commitment to teach us how to pray against strongholds, using the wonderful word of GOD.

  3. Angela Ramirez

    Daniel, I thank God for you. Thank you for being the mighty warrior that you are and making your knowledge available to us. Also, for being a forerunner in the work that God is doing in this time as he is uncovering all of the deeds of the evil one and exposing and foiling his plan. To God be the Glory!

  4. Michelle Radtke

    Since I’m new and just learning, where can I find a list or examples of occult objects? Thanks in advance!

  5. Hello! Great website and amazing information! One question what constitutes an occult object? I do pray over everything in my house periodically that I have brought in since most of those items are made overseas! Not saying that stuff made here is “holy” just know that certain countries have ridiculous strongholds.

    1. Satan rules over all the nations of earth, clearly stated in the New testament. I was pondering earlier the tendency for people to think some far away land is full of more demonic/satanic practices than our own, was glad your comment popped up because of it. The most dangerous strongholds may very well be churches directed by false prophets who spread false doctrines. They have the ability to mislead the flock into the spiritual desolation of sin, confusion, self righteousness, etc.

      Reading my comment, I felt it might sound as if I’m attacking you or correcting you, but that is the farthest thing from my heart/intent. You brought up an important point that is definitely something to be considered when dealing with things such as this. I’ve heard it recommended to be aware of antique furniture one might buy for their home also. Not only due to the potential for spiritual forms/attachements associated with the objects but for insects/disease that may have accumulated in/on the object over the years.

  6. This prayer was excellent for this 150 year old house. When I moved in there was a cross painted upside down on one of the doors. Every time I did spiritual warfare in this house, something in the cellar like the water heater would break down or pipes would bust or electricity would start flickering. After nine years, this has become really annoying and realize the enemy is attacking my finances more than anything.

    1. Good day Susan,
      I’d like to know how this prayer works on your home and family. Feel free to update me.
      I’ll be praying for a total cleansing!

  7. Susan Lynn Brandt

    I pray this prayer every time I have to do Warfare. Plus I have to pray over the house after my children come home from far away places. I never know what material things they may have brought into the house and what unclean spirits they may have picked up. Better safe than sorry.

  8. Susan Lynn Brandt

    Prayed this cleansing prayer over the White House in Washington, D.C. because it definitely needs it.

  9. To God be glory. Thanks very much for this prayer. It is always important to pray for anything even the microwave you have just bought from a shop. Blessings and prayers

  10. Thank you Daniel, I was working on this last night. I feel there is much more to be done.
    Many Blessings.

  11. The last time I prayed this, I saw a large headed black figure in my living room after evicting everything from the upstairs of my house. Good times! This is my go to prayer for now!

  12. For about a month I have been tormented by a horrible heavy magnetic “energy” in our kitchen! I would dread having to cook in there it was so bad! I described it as death or anti-life. It came after I started seeking Jesus seriously-it would try to attach or seemed to pull at me thru dread & fear. I had tried commanding it to leave (without much authority) Objects would also turn up missing & reappear in odd places which created mini wars between blaming family members-creating a lot of intense arguments & mistrust of family. After saying this prayer I am rejoicing because I feel it’s gone! Hallejulah! What a blessing the wording of this prayer contains to cause immediate freedom! It’s terribly disturbing to feel your home & or family has turned against you!

  13. Does it matter whether or not you own the home or property? Eg. If I’m visiting someone else’ home that I do not own, can I still pray this?

  14. Does it matter whether or not you own the home or property? Eg. If I’m visiting someone else’ home that I do not own, and also if the property owners are not believers, can I still pray this, or how would I adapt the prayer?

  15. Bronwynne+Wessels

    Hi ,

    Can I use this prayer for the house where I pay rent for a room as well??(family) Witchy paranormal wicked stuff almost everyday.
    Or do I just pray for my room?


  16. I am living in someone else’s house right now. He has demonic objects ALL over the house! buddha statues, hindu statues, a certificate showing he’s a satanic member. He wears, daily, some ridiculous t-shirt with something of the same sort–to instigate angst or conversation with someone. It’s crazy. He doesn’t even believe in satan or pray to hindu gods or buddhas! I have anointed every room in this house several times and done the Home Cleansing Prayer many times. Yet…I opened a door, around February of this year, through verrry deep meditation. I had been also doing the inane Law of Attraction, via Abraham Hicks. Sigh. Whatever I let in, started moving my body. I would ask it yes or no questions and it would answer me. I had asked first if it was the devil and it said no. Im embarrassed to even be typing this. Then, on April 6th, I realized I had let something awful in. I’ve done several deliverances. One was through one of the coaches at Bride Movement six weeks ago. I’ve done over a hundred of the prayers on the BM page, because I’m just throwing noodles at the wall to see what sticks.
    It won’t go away. I rededicated myself to Jesus Christ on April 20th, making a FULL commitment to walk totally in Christ, FOREVER. I’ve done all the repentance, renouncement, breaking soul ties, etc.
    The attacks have been worse the last couple of weeks. My car has broken down several times—completely different reasons. My food stamps got canceled. My ex owes me money and won’t pay it. My teeth are falling out (from chemo), but it’s getting worse. My roommate is saying he might be selling the house, hence my big, older dog & I will have nowhere to go. Some of my technological devices have broken. And there’s more…
    I say the Morning & Combo Prayers everyday. I stay in The Word and pray and talk to Jesus ALL DAY, 24/7. I keep John MacArthur sermons running all day & night in my bedroom and my roommate lets me keep DappyTKeys on YouTube running on the computer tv 24/7. Oh, yeah…my roommate is gay.
    I am exhausted.
    This, during a divorce, and coming off of severe treatments and surgeries for breast cancer. And broke. Im just…depleted.
    I desperately advice.
    I am so fatigued, worn out, and walking this path alone (well, I have Jesus, of course!).
    Not one of my friends or family members is a true Christian, so I have no one to talk to. And I get attacked every time I try to go to church.
    In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I thank you so very much.

    1. I was told recently that sometimes we can be attacked by another person’s demons. Maybe the roommate is the problem because of the relationship, there could be an unholy soul-tie. Even though you are just roommates/friends, the souls can connect and if he’s not even acknowledging Christ by allowing anything into the home, he’s not verbally saying I’m a devil worshipper but he’s not exactly screaming his love for Jesus either. You might have to find some help to get another place. Sometimes we have to purge our life from everything worldly as much as possible so Jesus can step in. Pray about that and ask Jesus to show you if that’s hindering you or keeping the door open. God bless you always.

    2. I, Kerry, suggest reading the book “Alternative Reality” by Chad Gonzales. It is a deep look at your identity in Christ.

  17. I see reoccurring themes of questions about occult items. Will you please offer and article or prayer specifically on this topic?

  18. I’m going to ask my husband w me n my ma w him, to pray this prayer over our house while me n ma anointthe windows and doors w blessed anointing oil that I just happened to win as a prize at a apostolic women’s conference ( I don’t believe in coincidences). I know the Lord wanted me to have that oil. There has been drug n alcohol abuse, strife, contention, hatred, and division for years between my husband, me, and ma in this house. My husband can’t see or accept the truth of God’s Word and he doesn’t gather w us even though he is infilled w the Holy Spirit. I’ll tell what happened after the prayer in a while.

  19. Do we need to make the sign of the cross with the oil? Also what if we live with someone who still continues to actively sin and isn’t necessary a believer? Thanks.

  20. I am going through a spiritual awakening and cleansing due to following the teachings of Bride Ministry. I am praying the prayers and cleaning house. What I need guidance on is how to respectfully handle my Mother’s ashes, she died in my home in 2020 due to breast cancer and I am cleansing my home but I have many photos of her around the house and her ashes in a box, is there a correct way to handler this that is spiritual right?
    I want to honor God and honor my mom.

  21. Thank you! Used this prayer recently to cleanse my home. My son has stopped having visitations from evil entities and my home now has a lighter atmosphere about it. Can’t thank you and your ministry enough.

  22. Thanks for these prayers! Jesus just sent a big black chicken and a little rooster that bite my toddler’s toes at night and cause her lots of anxiety out of our home. Whatever spiritual things they were they are now gone. Our toddler is finally at peace again.

    She said the “fowl” were coming out of our son’s new to us antique dresser that is in her room. Blessings to you all at Bride!

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