I love this because many believers read 2 Corinthians 10:4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds. They believe this and rejoice knowing God gives us His authority to trample the enemy under foot (Luke 10:19) but most don’t realise the vastness of weapons that are available to them. Prayers like this not only assist in giving us the breakthrough we need but teach us to use the weapons of His warfare and that there are literally many many of them!
Prayer Audio:
Daniel Duval
Daniel Duval is the Executive Director of BRIDE Ministries and is also the Senior Pastor of the BRIDE Ministries Church. He is the author of eight books, including two #1 Amazon bestsellers about prayer. He is the host of the Discovering Truth with Dan Duval podcast, the creator of the BRIDE Ministries Institute, and the creator of the BRIDE Ministries School of Inner Healing and Deliverance. As an advocate for survivors of extreme trauma, it is his vision to build a world-class platform that caters to survivors of satanic ritual abuse and government sponsored mind control agendas, which includes free resources, a church, support groups, trained coaches, housing solutions, and more.