Weapons of Warfare Prayer

Prayer Audio:


Father in heaven, I come before you in the mighty name of Jesus. I praise you for your power and great glory. I declare that your name is Jehovah-Gibowr (Psalm 24:8), the Lord who is mighty in battle. You are Jehovah-Sabaoth (1 Samuel 1:11), the Lord of Hosts. I suit up with the armor of God, the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, my feet, they are shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. I take up the shield of faith, which quenches every fiery dart of the wicked one and the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God (Ephesians 6:14-17). I also take up the garments of vengeance and the cloak of zeal (Isaiah 59:17). I surround myself with a smoke screen (Exodus 19:18) acting as a sight and sound barrier against satanic agents, interlopers, and evil spirits. I identify the evil spirits and satanic agents that have taken up assignments against my home, family, business, and economy. I speak that the weapons of my warfare are not carnal but mighty in God to the tearing down of strongholds, the casting down of arguments and of every high thing which exalts itself against the knowledge of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:4). There are more with us than there are with them (2 Kings 6:16) and I declare that your angels hearken unto the voice of your word (Psalm 103:20).

Therefore, I arm your angelic armies with your word and loose carnage against the enemy that has surrounded me, persecuted me, opposed me, and resisted me. I release arrows, lightnings, hailstones, and coals of fire (Psalm 18:13-14). I scatter the enemies that have gathered themselves against me with famine (Ezekiel 5:16) and devouring storms (Psalm 83:15-17). I engage the spirits that have assembled from underwater locations and speak a sea quake. I speak that they are trapped in prisons assembled round about them locking them into pocket realms characterized by dry wind (Jeremiah 4:11). I call for the drying up of the enemy’s waters. I release engines of war (Ezekiel 26:9), instruments of war (1 Samuel 8:12), and instruments of death (Psalm 7:13) upon the agents and devices of darkness in the name of Jesus.

I choose to tread upon serpents and scorpions (Luke 10:19). The evil agents must be smitten by the rod of iron (Revelation 2:26-27). I loose the battle axe of God (Jeremiah 51:20) into the encampments of darkness and target obstacles at their roots. The choirs and harmonies of darkness will suffer at the release of the blast of God (Job 4:9) and the rebuke from the voice of the Most High (2 Samuel 22:14). I am a Son of God (John 1:12) and an ambassador of heaven (Ephesians 6:20). I was not put here to suffer bullying at the hands of a defeated kingdom. I spite my enemies and exalt the name Jesus, the name that is above every name, at whose name every knee must bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth (Philippians 2:10).

I set fire the to the enemy’s strategies with the fiery stream of God (Daniel 7:10). I plant snares and traps on every evil assignment against my life calling them booby trapped. Ravenous birds devour wondrously in the encampments of darkness (Ezekiel 39:4). Locusts (Exodus 10), devour the evil words and curses spoken against me, my house, destiny, business, ministry and everything under my stewardship. I engage with the heavenly bodies and employ the stars, declaring that just as the stars fought from their courses against Sisera (Judges 5:20), so the stars are deployed in agendas to advance the government of God in heaven and on the earth. I am more than a conqueror in Christ (Romans 8:37). I declare that as I move out of fear, for perfect love cast out fear (1 John 4:18), fear of the day and fear of the night (Deuteronomy 28:66) is overtaking the governments of evil in the spirit realm. Tempest, strike the evil powers and do not relent (Isaiah 29:6). Deep sleep (Isaiah 29:10), overtake the enemies that are fleeing, impaling them in their efforts to escape such that they feel the full impact of their rebuke. I declare portals, wormholes and escape routes are shut down in every realm, age, timeline, dimension, frequency, and vibration, past, present and future to infinity. May the warhorses of heaven tread down those that rise up against the name of Jesus Christ and the power of His might. I declare a massive clearing in the spiritual atmosphere and environment of my life and those connected to me and thank you, God Most High, that you came to punish the hosts of the high ones on high and the kings of the earth (Isaiah 24:21). Amen.

55 thoughts on “Weapons of Warfare Prayer”

  1. MY GOD! Father God you hasten to perform your word and every one of your promises are YES in Christ and we say AMEN ??!

  2. Dr Jane Namunyak Oloo

    Please adjust the verses listed here. For instance there is no verse Isaiah 58:17 and there is also no mention of Yahweh Sabaoth in 1Samuel 1:11z

      1. Woah, thank God that he led me to Bride ministries and these prayers a few years ag! This morning I was dreaming and in my dream I was being spiritually attacked by evil spirits from Africa (as that is where I am from )……it was unlike anything I have ever experienced before!! It was next level …but because of my limited vocabulary I struggled to fight it properly…..thank God for this prayer, I believe I have done some great damage to the kingdom of darkness this morning! (*still quite flabbergasted at what happened)

    1. The verse that is listed in the article in Isaiah is 59:17, which is:
      Isaiah 59:17 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

      17 He put on righteousness like a breastplate,
      And a helmet of salvation on His head;
      And He put on garments of vengeance for clothing
      And wrapped Himself with zeal as a mantle.

      Also Adonai Sabaoth (or Tz’va’ot) translates from Hebrew to English as Lord of Hosts or Lord of Armies, which is in the verse referenced. Just thought you should know.

  3. This is by word, truth and power of The Holy Spirit waging war on the enemies kingdom…I speak, declare and walk in this powerful prayer…In Jesus Name

  4. A powerful prayer. claim it for families and Pres. Trump and our country. God is greater than all the evil we witness.

  5. Thanks it was so intense I started to Invision myself Like Samson . God’s Word always strengthen me. It feels like just had Physical & Mental Work out in one. We are Warriors in Arm’s & Word. It’s been along time ago since I have had fellowship. He has given me a scripture that testifys to the WEAPONS of WARFARE PRAYER. ***King James ++PSALMS 91 ++ A MUST READ ***PLEASE ANYONE WHO IS CLOSE TO THE PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP THE PRAY THAT WAS WRITTEN & SHARE WITH THE PRESIDENT PSALMS CHAPTER 91 IN IT’S ENTIRETY. **SISTER ELLA GRIFFITH** I AGREE ** & YOU SHOULD READ PSALMS 91 vr 11 For He shall give His Angels Charge over the to keep Thee in all thy way’s. VIP MUST READ THE WHOLE CHAPTER 91 PSALMS. GOD BLESS ALL IN HIS LOVE & MINE. VIC

  6. This. Is. Awesome.
    My daughter is in a war zone in Mexico right now and I prayed this over her and over the rest of my family.
    The presence of God is thick here right now.
    Thank you SO MUCH!

  7. I now know god spoke to me after reading this. Almost everything he told me to do to defeat demons and their kingdom’s are in this prayer. This is crazy. For the past 6 months i got away from spiritual war-fare because i thought it was all in my head. I had no way of knowing this stuff either i haven’t ever studied the bible. Thank you, you have cleared so much up for me. There’s no way its all in my head anymore.

  8. I have been diligently praying both parts 1 and 2 for 7 days. Immediately, my atmosphere became quiet. Interestingly, my finances has expanded,. I’m spending 30% less than normal on items I buy and my business referrals have increased tremendously! Thank you for helping us, Dan!!!

  9. Awesome weapons, there was a big fly buzzing in my bedroom and I couldn’t sleep, i just prayed this prayer and it stopped and disappeared, God’s word is powerful.

  10. Thank you so much for this prayer! I was shocked when I felt the power of these words and it helped me right away. I got a phone call the EXAKT moment I was done praying and that call changed my life. My life was on the way of falling apart this morning and I’ve never experienced anything like this. Thank you and God bless you Dan ❤️ your wisdom has helped me so much and led me back to our heavenly father, I’m truly grateful for everything that you do.

  11. I prayed this today for myself, Israel and this nation. What is happening in Israel right now is satanic at the highest levels, and if we don’t call out to God in prayer, it will soon be at our doorsteps. Mask mandates, requirements for tests in order to visit loved ones in nursing homes, and flight restrictions are just the beginning if we rest on our laurels. Thank you so much for this powerful prayer!

  12. Barbara Kuczinski

    Dan you have helped me tremendously with all of your works. This prayer is absolutely explosive! thank you for all of the prayers that you have put together. I am in Baltimore, MD but consider myself as part of the Bride Tribe.


    Barbara K

  13. Hi Dan & team. thank you for this blessing Father also gave me the armour of righteousness found in 2Cor 6v7 protects your hands from impartation. All Glory to God.

  14. I wish we had a support forum for targeted individuals, so I could write this there, because it’s REALLY important for these times. I became a targeted individual recently and have been taking some coaching sessions. In the process, and through my own research, I’ve come against merfolk, demonic entities that look like humans with four arms, demonic beasts that look like extraterrestrials and which are connected to New World Order (I’ve even seen a flag that is blue and yellow in color, and which has the world globe in the middle, connected to this human-like beast of two-toed hands and feet). I’ve also seen a red flag with three white dragons in the logo, which has to do with agnostics, atheists and KKK. I’m battling against human persecutors, grids, santeros, wiccans, Buddhists, Hindus, and I have become a sacrificial fountain of blood and water for Native American spirits. Those human persecutors who are after me have been described to me as parts. I am experiencing voices, physical discomforts, sexual oppressions through spirit spousing (I have seen other women being oppressed, in dreams, even virgins, women chained to the wall, being forced to eat dog food like animals, being forced into prostitution in the spirit and in the subconscious mind, with the goal of it being unto their old age). I’ve also experienced forced regression and false memories, visions and forced hallucinations through what appears to be algorithmic coded speech that programs my brain to function for opening and closing of certain areas in the brain. I have also been hit with SRA that deals with Anubis–in fact, it was one of the first thing that the voices perceivably said to me, that name, and then I would begin to feel a strange buzzing in my body. This has somehow been connected to the realm of the dead, and I’ve been connected to see, listen, and even be oppressed by spirits of dead people in my past or family circle. There is also a spiritual event that forces me into drowsiness or deep sleep that feels as if I had been physically drugged. Moreover, I am being oppressed sexually by astral travelers. I believe these oppressions are due to gangstalking that has to do with internet dating and relationship data stolen from the internet. Through revelation from the Lord as well as research, I have come to understand that these particulars are trying to get me to commit suicide. The oppressions and other types of attacks, including the terrorizing through physical, spiritual, and internet persecution, are weapons for that goal. I thought it was important for me to share that with everyone, in case anyone else is seeing exactly the same thing.

    1. I also wanted to comment on the fact that these oppressions DON’T discriminate. They’re oppressing children, to the point where I have heard children in my own family say that they want to “either fly or swim,” and that they need to “have a special necklace to fly.” During that same time, I had been given the worry that there would be a world-ending flood. Unfortunately, the flood HAS happened, it just wasn’t physical, it was spiritual. So, when these things happen, be aware of what your children say, and pray for them, anoint them, and keep them praying and in the Word, keep them away from any sinful activity, including anything they might watch on TV. They are innocent, even smaller children are pure, but it seems to me that if something is on assignment against you, it doesn’t discriminate by age. I don’t know in what context this is allowed in Heaven, I imagine it has something to do with trade routes which I DON’T understand, but we have to remember that Job was righteous and, for God’s own purpose, his blessings were taken away from him. God was righteous with both Job and I in that I know who I am still, the DID and oppressions that have tried to veer me away from God have NOT taken over, and I am still very much aware that I never have nor will I ever want to commit suicide.

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