Angry for Justice Parts 1-6


Justice is a deep heart cry that is being felt throughout the world. More recently, the cry has been felt in our nation because of systemic racial injustice, human trafficking, and mass awakening to systemic radical evil. Many of us are angry, not only about what we are learning but because of what we have been through. This series will be an exploration into anger, righteous indignation, justice, and how to ascend to a seat of righteousness from which we can impose the justice of heaven into the earth.

What’s included in this series:

Angry for Justice Part 1 (MP3 & YouTube Links)

Angry for Justice Part 2 (MP3 & YouTube Links)

Angry for Justice Part 3 (MP3 & YouTube Links)

Angry for Justice Part 4 (MP3 & YouTube Links)

Angry for Justice Part 5 (MP3 & YouTube Links)

Angry for Justice Part 6 (MP3 & YouTube Links)



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